Category Archives: Uncategorized

Links: 10-18-2015

Links: 9-29-2015

  • Stop Googling. Let’s Talk. – The New York Times
    Quote: "Studies of conversation both in the laboratory and in natural settings show that when two people are talking, the mere presence of a phone on a table between them or in the periphery of their vision changes both what they talk about and the degree of connection they feel. People keep the conversation on topics where they won’t mind being interrupted. They don’t feel as invested in each other. Even a silent phone disconnects us."
    (categories: culture iphone life technology )

Links: 9-25-2015

Links: 9-24-2015

Links: 9-22-2015

  • The Radical Calm of Alex Honnold – Men’s Journal Magazine
    Quote: "What’s the secret behind his ability to look into the abyss and not flinch? "Just not giving a fuck."… "then, yeah, it occurred to me that every time he left the house it might be the last time I’d ever see him. And if someday, next year, this year, he does come home in a box, he will have lived 50 lifetimes compared to lots of us."
    (categories: life calm culture motivation fear )

Links: 9-14-2015

  • Getting My Ass Handed to Me by the World’s Largest Hedge Fund  — Medium
    Quote: "I now run through a mental check list as a first step in reasoning. It is scenario specific but usually starts with some take on the following 5 questions and expands from there: What am I trying to achieve here or what is my goal? What information/evidence do I have and what information/evidence do I still need? What are the potential second order (and higher) impacts of this scenario (both upside and downside)? What has to happen for “X” scenario to be true? What are the risks and rewards of this scenario and how likely are they to transpire?
    (categories: why thinking reasoning system-1 first-principle )

  • 7 Pro Tips For Avoiding Blisters | The Big Outside
    My summit of Middle Sister got cut short because of blisters on both heels. Hopefully correctable, but have since purchased new socks and some HikerGoo.
    (categories: outdoors hiking health )