I’m taking this free online J2EE Programming class for kicks. From the looks of the first class, it’s going to be like drinking from a firehose. The first class consists of nothing more than reading… alot of reading. I was particularly interested in the J2EE resources page, the WSDP Tutorial, and the Sun ONE Studio sample programs.
Monthly Archives: April 2003
Open Source Content Management conference blog
The Open Source Content Management conference has blog specifically for the Cambridge event, giving those attending (or just interested) the ability to discuss each program. Great idea!
Flash Remoting and C# Assemblies error?
Using Flash Remoting and C# Assemblies? Getting an error like this?
Status (object #2)
…..description: “No Such Service com.yourpackage.YourClass with function yourMethod”
…..details: ” at FlashGateway.Delegates.ServiceCommander.InvokeAdapter(ActionContext flashContext)
Make sure that you don’t have the method marked as “static” in your C# class. I spent a couple hours yesterday trying to figure out why Flash Remoting couldn’t find the assemblies that were so obivously in the right spot. Obviously it was my fault for thinking too much (ie: Flash wouldn’t first get an instance of an object and then call a method on that instance, would it? doesn’t it make sense that it would be calling static methods?), but the documentation doesn’t use static methods… so slap my wrist.
Open Source Content Management Conference registration
Registration is now open for the Open Source Content Management Conference happening May 28-30 in Cambridge. It’s only $200 for 3 days…
Netcraft April 2003 Web Server Survey and JSP
Netcraft April 2003 Web Server Survey is out and about. Interesting quote re: Java:
“Over the last year JSP has been the fastest growing scripting technology after ASP.NET. JSP sites are often bigger, more complex, and better funded and run by larger organisations than sites using the more common scripting technologies.“
Spider/Text Indexer/Search Web Application update
I hacked a bit on my Spider/Text Indexer/Search Web Application this weekend. All of the Java I’ve written has lived in a servlet container, so (maybe out of ignorance) haven’t spent much time thinking about concurrency. This spider project on the other hand will be doing a) fetching of a URL, b) extracting links from the fetched URL, c) indexing the content, and d) persisting the content into a database. I’m sure this is something that CS grads do in their first year of school, but it’s new (and fun!) to me. So today I read up on threads in Concurrent Programming in Java, recommended by Joe. The code that I hacked at this weekend, I have 3 different threads going: one for fetching and extracting urls, one for indexing with Lucene and one for persisting to the database, each of these classes extends java.lang.Thread. The flow of the program kinda looks like this:
Spider class
— Fetcher extends Thread (retrieve URL, extract URL, loop until all possible URLs are retrieved)
— Indexer extends Thread (use Lucene to index retrieved URLs)
— Archiver extends Thread (persist content to database so that we can offer ‘cached’ versions like google)
The fetcher thread works off of a Vector (I know that an ArrayList would be faster, but it’s not synchronized)of urls, and then feeds the retrieved documents into a Vector of documents that the Indexer picks up, indexes and then updates a Vector of documents to be persisted to the database. The Spider class controls the stopping and starting of each Thread by modifying a boolean property within each class that extends Thread.
However, in the aforementioned book, I read this:
“… the best default strategy is to define a Runnable as a separate class and supply it in a Thread constructor. Isolating code within a distinct class relieves you of worrying about any potential interactions of synchronized methods or blocks used in the Runnable with any that may be used by methods of class Thread. More generally, this separation allows independent control over the nature of the action and the context in which it is run: The same Runnable can be supplied to threads that are otherwise initialized in different ways, as well as to other lightweight executors. Also note that subclassing Thread precludes a class from subclassing any other class.”
So does anyone have experience using Threads? How would you design something like this? Do you consider it best practice to have your classes implement the Runnable interface and then pass the instances of those classes to a generic Thread constructor?
Second, in my mind I’m imagining that I have an assembly line: urls get retrieved, extracted, then indexed, then archived. My assembly line right now is dumb: each Thread just keeps trying to grab something from the queue until someone presses the stop button. I’ve seen the terms “Producer” and “Consumer” thrown about.. I’m guessing that it might be better to have the threads notify each other whenever they put something into the queue. Better? Worse? Make a difference at all?
Dotnet at the Masters
Mike (who hooked me up this week) is at the Masters right now. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s blogging it. I’m pretty sure he has his camera with him so I’m sure we’ll see some pics soon.
John Hagel’s favorite authors
John Hagel has a great list of his favorite authors.
CFMX & HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse
I’m doing some research for an article I’m writing for Macromedia Devnet (hopefully to be published in May or June). I won’t go into the details of the article, but part of it deals (tangentially) with CFMX and Java integration. Specifically, I’m using CFMX to call a relatively simple Java API that consists of a couple methods, ie:
doSomething(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, long someObject)
Looks pretty imposing doesn’t it? It’s actually pretty easy to call using CFMX.
myObject = CreateObject(“java”, “com.thirdpartyApp.OtherClass”);
// retrieve the long value from the third party class
t = CreateObject(“java”, “com.thirdpartyApp.Class”);
longValue = t.SOME_CONSTANT;
// get a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object from CFMX
req = getPageContext().getRequest();
// get a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse object from CFMX
res = getPageContext().getResponse();
myObject.doSomething(req, res, longValue);
One interesting to note is that if you do getClass() on the req and res objects like this:
above you get the following class names:
req = jrun.servlet.ForwardRequest
res = coldfusion.jsp.JspWriterIncludeResponse
and although they don’t look like javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest objects, they actually extend the javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper and javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper classes, which are wrappers (as their names imply) for the javax.servlet.ServletRequest and javax.servlet.ServetResponse interfaces.
Anyway, interesting journey.. great help from Sean Corfield for his post about the getClass() method you can use to find out the type of an object and to Charlie Arehart for his comprehensive Java/CFMX archive.
Solar eclipse
SolarEclipse: a collection of plugins for Eclipse 2.0 Web-Application Development (XML/HTML/JSP).