Flash Remoting and C# Assemblies error?

Using Flash Remoting and C# Assemblies? Getting an error like this?

Status (object #2)
…..description: “No Such Service com.yourpackage.YourClass with function yourMethod”
…..details: ” at FlashGateway.Delegates.ServiceCommander.InvokeAdapter(ActionContext flashContext)

Make sure that you don’t have the method marked as “static” in your C# class. I spent a couple hours yesterday trying to figure out why Flash Remoting couldn’t find the assemblies that were so obivously in the right spot. Obviously it was my fault for thinking too much (ie: Flash wouldn’t first get an instance of an object and then call a method on that instance, would it? doesn’t it make sense that it would be calling static methods?), but the documentation doesn’t use static methods… so slap my wrist.

10 thoughts on “Flash Remoting and C# Assemblies error?”

  1. Hi Johanson,
    As u r saying the error
    Status (object #2)
    …..code: “SERVER.PROCESSING”
    …..description: “No Such Service com.yourpackage.YourClass with function yourMethod”
    …..details: ” at FlashGateway.Delegates.ServiceCommander.InvokeAdapter(ActionContext flashContext)

    is coming because there is static method defined in c#. But we r not at all defining any static method still we r getting same error.
    Basically it throws ApplicationException of .net which says this is a user defined exception.

    Could u please give us if u r able to get the solution.
    We r using FlashMx and IIS.

    thanks in advance

  2. Hi Jignesh,

    Couple things you can check on:

    a) make sure that the method you are calling has the correct case, ie: if you method name is getProducts(), calling getproducts() will *not* work. C# is case sensitive.

    b) make sure that the arguments you’re passing to the method are of the correct type: if your method is getProducts(String name, int category), you must send a String and an int to the method… I’ve seen the Flash developers I work with make a mistake on that sometimes…

    Hope that helps!


  3. i get exactly the same error only when i’m uploading the project to the web server.

    Locally works fine.

    Both servers have the same configuration except the OS (xp pro sp2 – win 2000 sp4)

  4. I have the same problem…

    I have them all on my localhost…

    I have two websites on my localhost:

    #1 = http://localhost/test1/
    #2 = http://localhost/test2/

    I have made a flash app for #1 and it worked fine…i get the results from the database..etc..

    When i copy the site to #2 and change some web.config etc…and point the “NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl” to: “http://localhost/test2/gateway.aspx” i get these errors mentioned above :-S

    Everything looks the same as the #1…ive got grey hear now and an enormous headage from this. Ive no idea where to look for it because the sites are further identicall..

    any ideas?


  5. i have the same problem when i upload the files to web service, it dosn’t work, and say “No such service xxxxxxx with function xxxxxx”

  6. I’m also having the same problem as Explained above, please could some post information to help resolve this issuse.


  7. Hi,

    I’ve figured out what the problem is:

    Every thing works fine on my local machine but as soon as I upload it to my server I would get the above errors which didn’t make any sense to at all.

    You see in my example when I uploaded a new web-site by default it’s a .NET 1 Frame work, after them changing it to a .NET 2 Frame work. I sat pulling my hear out not know what the stupid problem is since there’s hardly any help on the error’s that were faced with.

    Well after many hours foaming from the month, I noticed that my hosting provider didn’t move it over to a .NET 2 Frame work. So I guess that’s it really just make sure that it runs on a .NET 2 Frame work and the problem should hopefully disappear.


  8. I am currently having the exact same problem as well, although I am using Flash Remoting with Coldfusion. The application executes perfectly on my development server; I’ve tested the application against my local setup configuration and finally against the remote services on the actual host server that the application will reside. The service code is exactly the same on my development server and the host server. When executing locally and pointing the gateway to the services on the host, it works great!

    Then the problem begins. When I upload the Flash application to my client’s host server the application doesn’t appear to recognize any of the services and my application comes to a screeching halt. I really don’t understand what the problem could be. It’s quite maddening.

  9. I get the same error,

    Initially it worked fine but suddenly it stopped working at the server. Now it works only locally.

    I am using IIS with asp.net 2.0 which is the same configuration as the local machine.

    Please help!

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