Category Archives: Uncategorized

Links: 5-23-2010

Links: 5-11-2010

  • My Obsession With The Product
    Quote: "The great companies that I’ve been an investor in share a common trait – the founder/CEO is obsessed with the product. Not interested, not aware of, not familiar with, but obsessed. Every discussion trends back toward the product. All of the conversations about customer are really about how the customer uses the product and the value the product brings the customer. The majority of the early teams are focused entirely on the product, including the non-engineering people. Product, product, product."
    (categories: startups entrepreneurship product-product-product focus obsessing )

Links: 5-4-2010

  • Fraser Speirs – Blog – Back In
    Quote: "iPhone OS is the first mass-market operating system where consumers are no longer afraid to install software on their computers (I’m not counting read-only media software platforms like games consoles here). In a conversation recently, a friend recounted a scene that he passed by in an airport. Four fifty-something women were sitting at a cafe table discussing the latest apps they had downloaded on their iPod touches. New software can’t break your iPhone OS device and, if you don’t like it, total removal is only a couple of taps away."
    (categories: apple iphone appstore platform ipad operating-system )

Links: 4-18-2010

Links: 4-12-2010

Links: 4-6-2010

  • – The secret of the iPhone app store
    The power of the long tail for app stores is that everyone can find and share a handful of quirky little apps that really excite them for whatever reason. And when they share those apps, they’re essentially shilling for the platform, not the specific apps. Every time two people pull out their iPhones in a crowd and start trading recommendations for incredibly niche apps that fit their specific interests, everyone who doesn’t have an iPhone feels like they’re missing out.
    (categories: platform iphone appstore longtail )