- Steven Sinofsky on Twitter: "1/ Much analysis: Apple has long known it is missing the boat on providing low priced phones—strategic mistake to cede “low end” to Android. Or raised prices too much/soon. Then it must be an easy answer to just lower pr
(categories: pricing distribution channel apple )
- Introduction to modern network load balancing and proxying
Should totally be a book.
(categories: loadbalancing network networking proxy architecture load-balancing devops envoy ) - Guesstimate
Guesstimate uses Monte Carlo sampling to correctly estimate uncertain results.
(categories: statistics tools simulation estimation guesstimate probability math estimates )
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Links: 12-19-2018
- The Stockdale Paradox
Quote: "What the optimists failed to do was confront the reality of their situation. They preferred the ostrich approach, sticking their heads in the sand and hoping for the difficulties to go away. That self-delusion might have made it easier on them in the short-term, but when they were eventually forced to face reality, it had become too much and they couldn’t handle it. Stockdale approached adversity with a very different mindset: he accepted the reality of his situation."
(categories: management innovators-dilemma truth optimism ) - Ask Dharmesh About The HubSpot Culture Code
So much great stuff… maniacal commitment to metrics / mission. SFTC. Share openly. Autonomy & ownership. Great people. Question everything. Life is short.
(categories: culture hubspot transparency life work management )
Links: 12-7-2018
- The Curse of Culture – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
SO many good quotes out of this: "… culture is not something that begets success, rather, it is a product of it. As with most such things, culture is one of a company’s most powerful assets right until it isn’t: the same underlying assumptions that permit an organization to scale massively constrain the ability of that same organization to change direction." "… This is the power CEOs have. They cannot do all the work, and they cannot impact industry trends beyond their control. But they ca…
(categories: culture google business management leadership ) - Engineering Deadlines: How Engineers Benefit From Delivery Dates
Quote: "Deadlines help us stay focused, aligned and driven – and can be used to keep project scope in check"
(categories: roadmap dates deadlines software productmanagement )
Links: 12-1-2018
- How Superhuman Built an Engine to Find Product/Market Fit | First Round Review
Quote: "In essence, it’s better to make something that a small number of people want a large amount, rather than a product that a large number of people want a small amount. In my view, the product/market fit engine process of narrowing the market massively optimizes for a product that a small number of people want a large amount."
(categories: startup product product-market-fit )
Links: 11-28-2018
- Everyone is a designer. Get over it. – GV Library
Quote: "… Maybe that’s why so many designers are offended when non-designers do design work or get called “designers” by Jared and me. You can act offended if you want, but the reality is that other people are making design decisions with or without you. Embrace them . They don’t make your job less valuable. They don’t make your job title less meaningful."
(categories: design ux designthinking )
Links: 11-26-2018
- Some notes on running new software in production – Julia Evans
Quote: "At 99.99%, it’s different. That’s 45 minutes / year of downtime, and if you find out about a serious issue for the first time in production it could easily take you 20 minutes or to revert the change. That’s half your uptime budget for the year!"
(categories: reliability envoy kubernetes deployment ) - Learn Git Branching
(categories: git education versioncontrol )
- The RED Method: How to Instrument Your Services | Grafana Labs Blog
RED (throughput, errors, response time) & the 4 Golden Signals (response time, throughput, errors, capacity).
(categories: monitoring red golden-signals operations performance )
Links: 11-25-2018
- Conjure: a code-generator for multi-language HTTP/JSON clients and servers
Multi-language code generator for HTTP/JSON clients and servers
(categories: conjure palantir api java opensource )
Links: 11-24-2018
- October 21 post-incident analysis | The GitHub Blog
43s of lost connectivity resulted in 24 hours of service degradation.
(categories: post-mortem change root-cause-assessment github resiliency ) - What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms
Quote amongst many useful tidbits: "… The platform should provide a team with self-service access. Specifically it should allow for self-service provisioning, self-service configuration, and self-service management and operation of the platform capabilities and assets."
(categories: devops architecture platform martinfowler engineering ) - A Reality Check for IBM’s AI Ambitions – MIT Technology Review
Quote: "… In February of this year, the University of Texas, which runs M.D. Anderson, announced it had shuttered the project, leaving the medical center out $39 million in payments to IBM—for a project originally contracted at $2.4 million."
(categories: ai machinelearning ibm medicine health )
Links: 11-12-2018
Links: 11-11-2018
- 44+Barbara+Coloroso+rMY9QE.pdf
Quote: "… you have to own and fix what you did, figure out how you’re going to keep it from happening again, and find a way to heal with the person that you’ve truly harmed."
(categories: parenting kids responsibility )