- So you wanna go on-prem do ya – blog dot lusis
Been there, done that.
(categories: enterprise onprem saas software cloud architecture ) - KA Engineering Principles – Google Docs
Always interesting to read.
(categories: khanacademy principles engineering softwaremanagement management values ) - Let a 1,000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots.
On engineering effectiveness / tools teams. via @mattfinlayson.
(categories: engineering process tools )
Links: 5-12-2016
- A Product Manager’s Job — Medium
Keep referring to this blog post thinking that I’ve bookmarked it. PS: WTF with the random anchor elements that Medium applies to their URLs?
(categories: productmanagement product-product-product )
Links: 5-11-2016
- Three Years in San Francisco » Mike Industries
This needed to be about 5 different essays, which could have been separately on empathy, on product managers, diversity, biases, product managers as CEO’s, EQ (emotional intelligence), ideas and privilege.
(categories: empathy employee-engagement productmanagement emotional-intelligence diversity eq ideas twitter ) - The cave divers who went back for their friends – BBC News
Unbelievable amount of mental control to pull this off. Quote: "Cave divers the world over need to have remarkable self-command, but Diving into the Unknown can be seen as a study in a character trait beloved of Finns – sisu, grit in the face of adversity."
(categories: grit norway adventure mental-hacks diving ) - Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy – The Atlantic
Quote: "What I recommend is an alternative approach, which is to become a little more aware of what it is that you’re really good at, and what you enjoy doing. When you don’t need to compare yourself to other people, you gravitate towards things that you instinctively enjoy doing, and you’re good at, and if you just focus on that for a long enough time, then chances are very, very high that you’re going to progress towards mastery anyway, and the fame and the power and the money and everything w…
(categories: psychology intelligence mindset motivation health happiness )
Links: 5-10-2016
- How to send and reply to email
Guilty of paragraphs in email, pretty good about the other stuff, a good reminder to read once a year.
(categories: email etiquette productivity writing )
Links: 5-7-2016
- Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? – The New York Times
Need more of this in my life.
(categories: behavior decision-making psychology science self-control routinizing routines )
Links: 5-5-2016
- The history of ‘this website is well-crafted’ hints | Holovaty.com
I wrote code in the 1990’s, 2002, 2003, 2005 but then missed custom fonts, responsive and now serviceworker. Super cool demo although all of the other things listed required no user interaction, they just "worked".
(categories: history javascript browser ajax webdev )
Links: 5-4-2016
- Stop Crashing Planes: Charlie Munger’s Six-Element System
Quote: "We would argue that practical worldly wisdom falls into a few major buckets — these act as the closest proxy of the fixed/knowable rules we discussed above: Numeracy. The ability to understand and think in numbers and properly quantify. This would included a basic understanding of statistics and its limitations, of probability thinking and its limitations, and basic numerical and quantitative thinking applied to the real world. Human nature. The ability to understand the true nature of …
(categories: learning knowledge mastery farnam checklists thinking )
Links: 5-2-2016
- The SiriusDecisions Product Ownership Decision Framework Overview
Have been going through this at work, PDF is embedded inside Flash after registration (boo) but has some useful content.
(categories: productmanagement product-owner agile ) - If Dr House did DevOps — Medium Engineering — Medium
First time I’ve heard of Differential Diagnosis, thanks @savagegus.
(categories: problem-solving differential-diagnosis devops thinking ) - A Methodology for Retiring Products · neovintage
(categories: productmanagement eol process )
Links: 4-14-2016
- Golden State and the Mathematical Magic of Seventy-Three – The New Yorker
Quote: "An emirp, he explained, is a prime number that remains prime when its digits are reversed. (Emirp, of course, is “prime” spelled backward.) “Seventy-three and thirty-seven are both prime, so both are emirps.”"
(categories: math sports numbers )
Links: 4-12-2016
- The Slack Platform Roadmap — Slack Platform Blog — Medium
Public platform roadmap and idea list.
(categories: platform slack api roadmapping productmanagement ) - Ensemble learning – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are entire worlds out there that I’ve never heard of. Came up in a meeting last week.
(categories: machine learning statistics algorithms supervised-learning ) - 10 Lessons from 10 Years of Amazon Web Services – All Things Distributed
Some hard to replicate ("build evolvable systems") lessons but other non-obvious and easier ("know your resource usage") to put in place.
(categories: amazon aws platform cost )