a new Kephart

Our friends Craig and Kristen Kephart, who live up in beautful York, Maine, just had their second. Pictures are here. Coincidentally (or not?), Money Magazine just picked York as one of the top ten places to vacation in the entire US. If you ever get to York, you definitely have to go to Browns Ice Cream. And after you eat ice cream, drive back north (toward Short Sands Beach) on Broadway and turn right on Ocean Ave. Better yet, walk.

the race

Karen won… well, she finished. 12 miles of biking, 800 meter swim, 3 miles running.. pictures here.

From robots.net: Micromechanical Flying Insects. Essentially scientists are trying to reproduce the fly. Our flying drones supposedly have scared Saddam Hussein into not appearing in public. Can you imagine what life would be like if we had autonomous flies!??? Sheesh, that’s cool and scary at the same time.

Would you believe that there is an Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International?


finished Pilgrim at Tinker Creek… I guess the nap this afternoon gave me enough juice to finish it out. I read books quickly.. I’m sure there are lots of things I don’t even pick up, just like a complicated movie, sometimes you have to see/read it twice, but I usually remember the stories and this book had a great number of them (muskrats… the frog & the giant water bug, grasshoppers and locusts). From the last chapter, page 275:

“There is not a guarantee in the world. Oh your needs are guaranteed, your needs are absolutely guaranteed by the most stringent of warranties, in the plainest, truest words: knock, seek, ask. But you must read the fine print. ‘Not as the world giveth, give I unto you.’ That’s the catch. If you can catch it will catch you up, aloft, up to any gap at all, and you’ll come back, for you will come back, transformed in a way you may not have bargained for — dribbling and crazed. The waters of separation, however lightly sprinkled, leave indelible stains. Did you think, before you were caught, that you needed, say, life? Do you think you will keep your life, or anything else you love? But no. Your needs are all met. But not as the world giveth. You see the needs of your own spirit met whenever you have asked, and you have learned that outrageous guarantee holds. You see the creatures die and you know you will die. And one day it occurs to you that you must not need life. Obviously. And then you’re gone. You have finally understood that you’re dealing with a maniac.”

first midlet!

howto: changing time on your linux machine

completed this J2ME tutorial last night. The Sun/Java Wireless toolkit made it easy to get up and running quickly. The JWTK has emulators, similiar to the emulators phone.com provided for doing WAP work. The guy who wrote the article for Sun also happens to be a big MINDSTORMS fan. He wrote this book, which has *full* instructions available online. Go Oreilly!

Next I’ll have to do the wireless tutorial.


Developing for the J2EE Tomcat Platform

jabber founders blog

read about Edward Tufte a couple days ago on Kottke after hearing about him from our creative director Marc here at work. Came across this interesting article on MSDN today which said that Tufte is probably the biggest UI inspiration at Microsoft (at least in 1999). Someday I need to read one of this books.

Tai gave a great presentation today in our developers/org meeting (this presentation was targeted at upper management and creative) on the differences between browsers and what that means to developers. Interesting links: browser stats at w3schools from thecounter.com.

here’s a nice chart of browser capabilities:

which was linked from here, a great resource:

and, some more great links:
this is the one Maia sent recently, great start:

css validator:

html/xhtml validator:

of course:

browser archive:

broswer emulator:

browser market share study:

nice essay:

5.0 browsers:

browser death-match:

woah links…

Refrigerator Fred

Mom got me the Lego MINDSTORM Robotics Invention Set for my birthday… made my first bot today, the RoverBot. Light and Touch Sensors, speed control, direction… all with an easy to use visual code editor (really visual: you drag and drop “blocks” of code onto your template, save, download via IR to the bot and run the program). My favorite ‘sample’ program so far is a bot named Refrigerator Fred that lowers his ‘sunglasses’ when he sees bright light. Useless, but fun.

Now with 50% less caffeine!