Jeremy’s put up a video mail application on his blog… Jim and I were talking about how cool it would be to send not just a Flash movie to a mail box, but to actually send a *live* Flash video to a mailbox. Would it be possible to send an email to a user w/ an embedded Flash movie which calls a remote server on open of the email… which then alerts let’s say a salesperson that so and so has opened the email… the salesperson could then start a dialog w/ the person via Flash MX Communication Server. Freaky (if someone could recognize that a) you opened an email from them and b) that they could then talk to you from your inbox), but cool.
create GUID’s using ASP
Created an ActiveX dll today to create GUID’s for orders. Course, it was pretty easy since this article, entitled “Build a GUID generating component”, essentially does it for me.
Registering and unregistering components is a bear, the scripts on this site make it easier.
Carlson Orchards
Went to Carlson Orchards today (a beautiful crisp fall New England day) with Martha, Cynthia, Eric, Cathy and Jeanette to pick apples (and got to pick raspberries too!). Got pictures to prove it.
stored procedures, XPATH & ASP
Working on Phase II of the FootJoy site, today I used pseuo-SOAP(really just sending an receiving XML packets that conform to the SOAP specification using the MS XMLHTTPRequest object, which I guess would make it SOAP, wouldn’t it?), Stored Procedures, and XPATH to connect two systems. Have to remind myself that sometimes I do learn new stuff at work.
Roomba Intelligent FloorVac
From Rodney Brooks, head AI guy @ MIT, Roomba Intelligent FloorVac, out of his company, IRobot.
A Guide to Building Secure Web Applications
from Slashdot: “A Guide to Building Secure Web Applications“, other valuable things on the site include a list of web application security white papers, a web application vulnerability scanner written in Java, and Filters, a project whose goal is “.. to offer a set of tools that will allow developers building web applications to adopt secure practices in a complimentary way to the tools and technologies that they are developing today.”
LEGO Ultimate Collector Star Destroyer
LEGO Ultimate Collector Star Destroyer [from slashdot] Anyone else notice that sets a cookie called “Wookie-Cookie”? 🙂
The Rich Internet–understanding its uses
I’ll be presenting this week at a seminar MINDSEYE is giving on Rich Internet Applications at the World Trade Center in Boston. Register and then come on down!
Vision Command
Installed my Vision Command camera tonight, although the Lego software works w/ only Windows 98. I had to install the Logitech software, which means I can’t use the Lego specific aspects of Vision Command. To my rescue comes Lejos, which has a Java version that implements many of the Lego features.
How To Setup TOMCAT 4.0.1 on Windows 2000 with IIS and NT Service
How To Setup TOMCAT 4.0.1 on Windows 2000 with IIS and NT Service — special note: a) you’ll have to add a directory to your webapp called ‘jakarta’ and put the isapi_redirect.dll in that directory. Additionally, if you’re running virtual hosts, you’ll have to add the host to server.xml.