- Michael Sampson on Collaboration: 5 Megatrends on the Intranet – Jane McConnell’s Global Intranet Trends
Quote: "My overall summary is that leading firms are changing their Intranets from being a "place to post corporate stuff" to a "place where people get their work done." The megatrends above explore what that means – (1) it’s the frontdoor to the workplace web, (2) there is more collaboration and (3) real-time interaction, and (5) it’s more about people – and a consequence of the change – (4) location independence."
(categories: work workplace intranet communication collaboration )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 11-18-2010
- The Other Startup Advice – Anil Dash
Great advice for people inside big companies too. Defining success is a great first step for anything you do.
(categories: entrepreneurship management culture startup ) - google-refine – Project Hosting on Google Code
Cool tool for working with large, unrefined data sets.
(categories: bigdata data infoviz information )
Links: 11-16-2010
- Can’t play, won’t play | Hide&Seek – Inventing new kinds of play
Quote: "… Gamification is the wrong word for the right idea. The word for what’s happening at the moment is pointsification. There are things that should be pointsified. There are things that should be gamified. There are things that should be both. There are many, many things that should be neither."
(categories: gamification games status pointsification )
Links: 11-14-2010
- Expedia on how one extra data field can cost $12m | Sales & Marketing | silicon.com
"After we realised that we just went onto the site and deleted that field – overnight there was a step function [change], resulting in $12m of profit a year, simply by deleting a field. We have found 50 or 60 of these kinds of things by using analytics and paying attention to the customer."
(categories: analytics data ux abtesting datamining ) - How Email Apps Will Help You Learn To Love Your Inbox Again
Bunch of Gmail plugins for better email management.
(categories: email emailsucks gmail ) - Annotator | Open Knowledge Foundation
Description: "Simple javascript (+backend) library for web-annotation. Main goals were and are: Annotation of arbitrary text ranges, Annotate any web (html) document, Easy to use — 2 lines of javascript to insert this in your web page/app etc, Well-factored and library-structured — easy to integrate and easy to extend
(categories: annotation javascript comments )
Links: 11-9-2010
- 1.0 Is the Loneliest Number — Matt Mullenweg
Quote: "… On WordPress.com we deploy code to production twenty or thirty times a day and anyone in the company can do it."
(categories: engineering cloud saas )
Links: 11-8-2010
- Scanwiches
(categories: awesomeness food )
- Enterprise 2.0, version 2.0
Quote: "Platforms are digital environments in which contributions and interactions are globally visible and persistent over time."
(categories: collaboration open im email ) - Docvert – Microsoft Word to Open Standards [current 4.0 Beta 1]
Docvert takes word processor files (typically .doc) and converts them to OpenDocument and clean HTML.
(categories: openoffice office msword )
Links: 11-4-2010
- mod_pagespeed Overview
mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache module that automatically optimizes web pages and resources on them. It does this by rewriting the resources using filters that implement web performance best practices. Webmasters and web developers can use mod_pagespeed to improve the performance of their web pages when serving content with the Apache HTTP Server.
(categories: performance http caching apache ) - The Real Life Social Network v2
Quote: "… Avoid the use of the word friend for connecting people. Understand how people describe their relationships for the behavior you’re trying to encourage."
(categories: culture community socialsoftware social ) - Language’s Influence on Culture – Lone Gunman
Quote: "… Russian speakers, who have more words for light and dark blues, are better able to visually discriminate shades of blue." See also: metaphors we live by.
(categories: language communication culture )
Links: 11-3-2010
- Outlook email to SharePoint integration | OnePlaceMail | Scinaptic
Connects Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office and Windows File Explorer with Microsoft SharePoint for improved information management…
(categories: outlook sharepoint email ) - The Team | Harmon.ie
Outlook plugin that talks to SharePoint and Google Docs.
(categories: outlook email sharepoint ) - Aloha Editor – The HTML5 Editor is easier
Lightweight editor, short on features, fast though. HTML5 only.
(categories: wysiwyg editor rte ) - Go or No-Go: Operability and Contingency Planning at Etsy.com
Awesome awesome presentation on launching new features.
(categories: ops engineering software process ) - Steve Thomas [Illustration]: Vintage Star Wars travel posters
Awesome posters.
(categories: star-wars posters art illustrations )
Links: 11-2-2010
- User feedback and concept testing with Verify
Verify is the fastest way to collect and analyze user feedback on screens or mockups.See where people click, what they remember, or how they feel.
(categories: product-design ux usability ui testing ) - Penny Arcade! – Green Blackboards (And Other Anomalies)
The Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory… also applies to cars / driving.
(categories: culture anonymous community )
Links: 11-1-2010
- Twitter / @Scott Finkel: "Document the WHY (not the …
Quote: "Document the WHY (not the what) because it’s the hardest thing to extract from examining the structure later" – Fred Brooks on softwaredev
(categories: documentation engineering communication ) - Bezos’ Iconic Laugh | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
(categories: entrepreneurship engineering culture goals )