All posts by ajohnson

Definition of Object-Oriented programming

Object-Oriented programming. The C# book I’m reading has an excellent definition; it says “… object-oriented programming encapsulates the characteristics and capabilities of an entity in a single, self-contained and self-sustaining unit of code.” Pretty obvious stuff. So my purely theoretical question for the late night: given an object oriented system with classes that describe entities … where in the system do you put the retrieval of objects? For instance, let’s say I have an ecommerce system that has classes ‘Order’, ‘Product’, and ‘Consumer’. Order will have methods like return(), commit(), cancel(), Product will have methods like getPrice(), updateStock() and so on… The bottom line is that methods are the way we access (getting) an objects properties and also the way that we manipulate an objects properties (setting). So lets say that somewhere in this system, I want to be able to query all the orders in system, returning open orders, closed orders, orders over $500.. It doesn’t feel right to write a method like this:

public static Resultset getOpenOrders()

public static DataTable getOpenOrders()

for the Order object. Where does a method like this fit in the system?

v9 of Jabber Journal

v9 of Jabber Journal is out.

If you would like to learn from key Jabber contributors in person, mark your calendar now for the O’Reilly Open Source Software Convention 2003 in Portland, Oregon (July 7-11). There will be Jabber presentations by Jeremie Miller, Harold Gottschalk, and yours truly, a half-day Jabber tutorial by Ryan Eatmon and Peter Millard, and a talk by longtime Jabberites DJ Adams and Piers Harding. Thanks to generous support from Jabber Inc., the Jabber Software Foundation will host a booth on the convention floor where we’ll be spreading the Jabber gospel to anyone who will listen (let us know if you’d like to demo your software there). And you can be sure that the many Jabber developers in attendance will be holding enough late-night hackfests to really help you get in touch with your inner geek. Don’t miss it!

I’m going to be in Portland in July for a wedding on the 12th. OSCON would make having to wear a suit worth it! 🙂

Redesigning Web Sites: Retooling for Changing Needs of Business

I worked with Stefan Mumaw back a couple years ago at BigMan Creative. He’s now at Brainyard, apparently busy writing books. “Redesigning Web Sites: Retooling for Changing Needs of Business”, available soon from amazon, leads with the story of the redesign of FAO Schwarz, which MINDSEYE (the company I work for) completed in August of 2001. I was the lead engineer for the ColdFusion & Spectra portion of the project.

Web.config vs. Application.cfm

In response to my post about the web.config file in ASP.NET, Ray asked how this was any different from Application.cfm in ColdFusion land. I think that it’s very similar, but there are some things that are better about web.config than Application.cfm.

First, and I think most importantly, web.config is a configuration file and a configuration file only. I’ve seen ColdFusion applications that use Application.cfm for security, some to include the header, some that contain database connection strings, some that contain UDF’s, etc. etc… Application.cfm is more flexible in that sense, but as always, that flexibility comes at the cost of misuse. There is no standard way of providing configuration information to a ColdFusion application.

Second, because web.config contains only XML, you can use your favorite XML parser to create and edit your configuration file. You could programatically generate your configuration file if necessary, while an Application.cfm would require a custom script to be written to first parse the file and then another script to write out the file.

Third, web.config files can be included in multiple directories on an application and inherited. You can include Application.cfm files in multiple directories, but you don’t get inheritance unless you explicitly include the parent level Application.cfm.

Fourth, you can programmaticly access configuration information about the current application without reading web.config. You can’t do this AFAIK in ColdFusion. For instance, let’s say that I have an Application.cfm that includes the following tag:

<cfapplication name=”myApplication” clientmanagement=”Yes” sessionmanagement=”Yes”>

and then somewhere later I wanted to know if sessionmanagement is enabled. How would I do that? Can you? Again, as far as I know, you can’t get that information without parsing the Application.cfm and looking for sessionmanagement=”true”. In ASP.NET, I write a simple line of code:

String sessionMode = Session.Mode;

where Session.Mode has the possible values of Off, Inproc, StateServer, and SQLServer.

I think something like what web.config provides would be a really nice addition to Application.cfm. Maybe Application.cfm just stays as it is and we get Application.config in addition…. maybe it’s better that Application.cfm goes away.