Queue everything and delight everyone – 0xDECAFBAD Quote: "1) To make the person who’s submitting something happy, offer feedback visible in their own personal context in under 50-200 milliseconds. (That is, less than half-a-second at worst, in people terms.) 2) The next person to delight is someone following the first person’s published content—and humanly speaking, delays of tens of thousands of milliseconds can be acceptable here. (That is, 1-10 seconds at worst, in people terms.) 3) Finally, you can start worrying about strangers, allowing the content to propagate to tag pages, keyword tracking pages, and other public views—and I’d assert that delays of hundreds of thousands of milliseconds are acceptable here. (That is, 1-2 minutes at worst, in people terms.)" (categories: architecturemessagingqueuescalabilityprogramming )