- How Manhattan’s Grid Created the Pettiest Mosaic Ever Made.
Maps, NYC, history, grids.
(categories: nyc history architecture maps )
- Henry Ford, Innovation, and That “Faster Horse” Quote
Quote: "In 1921, the Ford Motor Company sold about 2/3 of all the cars built in the U.S. By 1926, this share had fallen to approximately 1/3. And in 1927, when Ford belatedly responded (at tremendous financial cost and internal strife) to changes in the market’s tastes and competitive innovation by shutting down production temporarily to re-tool his factories and bring the Model A to the market, that percentage fell to about 15%."
(categories: business innovation ford customerfocus )
- How to Run a Quarterly Product Strategy Meeting: A Board Meeting for Product
Quarterly product strategy meetings, with metrics… or one key metrics, swim lanes (groups of teams), optimization vs. innovation, tightly aligned & loosely coupled organizations, have it out converations, testing and learning.
(categories: netflix organization strategy meeting planning product )
- The hotel bathroom puzzle | Alec Nevala-Lee
Quote: "When simple things need instructions, it is a certain sign of poor design.” And that’s as true of stories as of sinks. Whenever a movie gives us an introductory scroll of text, a lingering shot of a sign, or a chyron to explain where we are or how much time has passed, it signals that the underlying problem hasn’t really been solved. If you want to find the right answer, you have to start by asking the right question. And then you can soak in the tub until you’ve figured it out—as long a…
(categories: design usability engineering problemsolving )
- Farnam Street Principles
Quote: "All that we write about, think about, and strive for at Farnam Street draws inspiration from one of these five principles: Direction Over Speed, Live Deliberately, Thoughtful Opinions Held Loosely, Principles Outlive Tactics, and Own Your Actions." In my words: think about where you’re going, live in the now, be open to changing your mind, develop your core, it’s ok to be wrong.
(categories: life culture management strategy )
- Reaching Peak Meeting Efficiency – Learning By Shipping
LONG post on meetings.
(categories: management meetings meeting work )
- Productivity in the age of hypergrowth.
Quote: "One specific tool that I’ve found extremely helpful here is an ownership registry which allows you to look up who owns what, eliminating the frequent "who owns X?" variety of question. You’ll need this sort of thing to automate paging the right oncall rotation, so might as well get two useful tools out of it!" Not the first time I’ve heard of this. Lots of other good points.
(categories: management engineering programming scaling )
- I’ve Got Some Things to Say | By Romelu Lukaku
One to remember the next time you pull the milk out of the refrigerator.
(categories: culture poverty soccer )
- Andrej Karpathy_Final
Some awesome / interesting challenges for Telsa / AI as we all seek to have self-driving cars.
(categories: tesla ai ml )
- Hit the Ground Running with Distributed Tracing Core Concepts
4k word essay from an engineer at Nike about distributed tracing.
(categories: distributed-tracing tracing monitoring )
- Smarter, Not Harder: How to Succeed at Work
Focus and *attention*. 15m at a time.
(categories: productivity sleep work )
Now with 50% less caffeine!