- Chaos Monkey: How Netflix Uses Random Failure to Ensure Success – ReadWriteCloud
Chaos Monkey randomly kills instances and services within Netflix’s AWS infrastructure to help developers to make sure each individual component returns something even when system dependencies aren’t responding.
(categories: cloud aws amazon netflix failure testing engineering )
- Crotchety Old Power Users – Release Candidate One
Good points about product design and power users.
(categories: productmanagement design ui uiux facebook email )
- Let a million bookmarks bloom – 0xDECAFBAD
Thoughts on delicious and the next gen of bookmarking sites.
(categories: aggregation bookmarking delicious pubsubhubbub )
- Queue everything and delight everyone – 0xDECAFBAD
Quote: "1) To make the person who’s submitting something happy, offer feedback visible in their own personal context in under 50-200 milliseconds. (That is, less than half-a-second at worst, in people terms.) 2) The next person to delight is someone following the first person’s published content—and humanly speaking, delays of tens of thousands of milliseconds can be acceptable here. (That is, 1-10 seconds at worst, in people terms.) 3) Finally, you can start worrying about strangers, allowing the content to propagate to tag pages, keyword tracking pages, and other public views—and I’d assert that delays of hundreds of thousands of milliseconds are acceptable here. (That is, 1-2 minutes at worst, in people terms.)"
(categories: architecture messaging queue scalability programming )
- datastore – Project Hosting on Google Code
Implementation of Google App Engine Datastore in Java6 against hbase and hadoop.
(categories: hadoop google database bigdata )
- URL Design — Warpspire
Spent a lot of time trying to do this with Clearspace 1.0. Totally agree.
(categories: design url usability )
- Mule Design Studio’s Blog: Giving Better Design Feedback
Let the design team be the design experts. Your job is to be the business expert. Ask them how their design solutions meet your business goals. If you trust your design team, and they can explain how their recommendations map to those goals, you’re fine. If you neither trust them, nor can they defend their choices it’s time to get a new design team.
(categories: design ux ui )
- The State of the Blogosphere 2010 | Fast Company
So true: "..But blogging perseveres–as it should. It is a place where context, thoughtfulness and continuity are rewarded with inbound links, ReTweets, bookmarks, comments and Likes. Blogs are the digital library of our intellect, experience, and vision. Their longevity far outlasts the short-term memory of Twitter or any other micro network. In fact, with Twitter, we are simply competing for the moment. With blogs, we are investing in our digital legacy."
(categories: blogging blogs writing thinking twitter )
- Havasu – Projects – BERG
Havasu is a material exploration of conversational user interfaces. The goal of the project was to explore ways of interacting that aren’t menus or GUIs; manners of interaction more like dialogue, or polite listening, facilitated by agents or AIs that are could not really be called “smart”.
(categories: conversational interface ux xmpp chat )
- Snap – Blog – BERG
Old post about repurposing feeds into actionable items, similar to what we’re doing with actions and apps with Jive.
(categories: inbox actions feeds rss workflow )
- Facebook | The Full Stack, Part I
Great blog post. Quote: "… People who develop broad skills also tend to develop a good mental model of how different layers of a system behave. This turns out to be especially valuable for performance & optimization work. No one can know everything about everything, but you should be able to visualize what happens up and down the stack as an application does its thing. An application is shaped by the requirements of its data, and performance is shaped by how quickly hardware can throw data around."
(categories: performance facebook engineering data education )
- Otis’ Chichimichi
Quote: "To me, commit messages are more useful as a mechanism to keep co-workers up to date on a daily basis than as something one looks at after the fact. As such, commit messages can be very valuable, very helpful, and thus one should be smart about what they contain."
(categories: subversion sourcecontrol communication engineering )
Now with 50% less caffeine!