search-reporting – Project Hosting on Google Code How many of your users are clicking on the first search result? How many refine their search? How many use the Advanced search capabilities? How many click on a cached link? How many have to click the Next page link? How many aren’t finding what they want? (categories: gsaenterprisegooglesearch )
The Value of Sharing: Social Engagement | ShareThis Excerpt: On an aggregate level, sharing is now accounting for as much as one-third of the amount of traffic driven by search, which is most often the top source of traffic for sites. So say a site gets 100,000 unique visitors per month from search, they’re also getting 33,000 from sharing. Now, 33 percent is at the high range of our network, but we’re seeing sites across several verticals (mainstream news, tech, entertainment) achieving these levels. (categories: analyticssocialsoftwaresharingcommunicationuxfacebooktwitteremail )
Some other SharePoint 2010 tidbits – FierceContentManagement Excerpt: "He points out that the path of ECM is littered with failure and that Microsoft’s goal with SharePoint 2010 is to put the end user front and center (while providing more comprehensive back-end administration). The idea, he explains is to get the end user to use the system. If it’s too hard or too restrictive, then end users will always find ways to work around the system to the detriment of the CMS. It will be interesting to see as the SharePoint 2010 beta goes into wider use, and use cases emerge, how well Microsoft has solved this perennial issue." Not really much of an ‘idea’ IMHO. (categories: sharepointenterpriseadoptionuserfocusux )
Archiving and eDiscovery for Collaboration Systems | Messaging News Excerpt: "A wide range of regulations and statutes require organizations to safeguard and manage complete records that document what happened in a business or organization. Financial services companies are subject to SEC and FINRA regulations, life sciences organizations to 21 CFR Part 11, federal government agencies and defense contractors to DoD 5015.2, and companies publicly traded in U.S. markets to Sarbanes-Oxley. Common among these regulations and statutes is the concept that the subject matter determines what needs to be managed, and not the medium used for transmitting or communicating information in the record. This means that business decisions communicated through collaboration systems are just as relevant for records management as a printed contract." (categories: ediscoveryarchivingquickrsharepoint )
Mauro Cardarelli : What If You Throw a Party and Nobody Shows Up Excerpt: "So, here we sit; a few months away from the launch of SharePoint 2010, a framework that offers so much more business functionality and impact. What’s the (potential) problem? SharePoint 2007 has been so widely adopted, across the entire enterprise, that there exists a comfort in the functionality it delivers. Right? SharePoint’s strength has always been in its simplicity. So now we’re going to beef it up… more flexible content management, better workflow, enhanced search and business intelligence. What’s the one word to summarize? … Overwhelming? One of my fellow panelists, an IT Manager, stated it perfectly when he told the crowd that his ability to promote new features in SharePoint is directly dependent on the business users’ ability to withstand the change. Exactly! Change is always risky. Therefore, lots of change brings lots of risk." (categories: sharepointadoptionenterprise )
NewsGator Talks SharePoint, The Future of Social Computing Quote: ":There has been a lot of movement in social computing in the enterprise. As he takes a look back Holston tells us that a year ago the conversation was all about ROI and use cases. Enterprises were still considering and experimenting with social computing… Now, Holston says, the focus has changed to deploying solutions enterprise wide and getting the highest return stories for initial deployments (which are usually one or two elements of social computing like micro-blogging)." (categories: sharepointsocialsoftwaremicrobloggingenterprise )
10 Microsoft Predictions For 2010 Excerpt: For developers, Sharepoint 2007 was complex and non-intuitive. Third-party application integration and workflow tools were unwieldy. But in Sharepoint 2010, Microsoft focused on tooling and project support and, for the first time, made it possible for developers to use Visual Studio to build Sharepoint applications. (categories: sharepointmicrosoftopen )
Microsoft’s New Open Source Web CMS Quote: Oxite is blog software built on the new ASP.NET MVC framework provided by Microsoft. Although they call it a blogging engine, they also say it is able to host everything from a blog to a large website. (categories: cmsmicrosoftbloggingopensourcesharepoint )