Source Control with Subversion on Windows

We’re getting around to hiring an additional me at work so I needed to get a source control solution in place before he/she arrives and starts hacking away at the codebases. At the last place I worked we used Visual SourceSafe for a long time (which was pretty worthless) and then started using CVS, although not on the projects I worked on. A couple weeks ago I asked a bunch of questions about automating Java web application deployment and Erki suggested that I buy and read the Pragmatic Project Automation book, which I did and which I loved. I read it from start to finish (which isn’t an easy thing to do with a technical book) and took a ton of notes. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the book didn’t mention Subversion even once, but it did drill home the importance of setting up your code in source control and then doing your manual, scheduled, automated (using CruiseControl) or production builds directly from the source control system using Ant or Groovy, which led to alot of ideas about how you could automate builds to production Tomcat systems. I’ve heard alot about Subversion; it’s described as CVS with none of the warts and all of the features, so I tried it out. Following are the notes I kept during the installation process. Hopefully this helps out someone somewhere down the road:

a) Download Subversion (obviously) I downloaded version 1.1.1 ( svn-1.1.1-setup-2.exe)

b) Run the install. I chose to install to c:\subversion\.

c) Test the Subversion install by going to the install directory and then going to the /bin directory. Run the svnadmin from the command line:
CD c:\subversion\bin\

If you get an error that says that says “svnadmin.exe – Unable To Locate DLL”, you’ll need to either a) install the Visual C++ 6.0 VCREDIST.exe, which is available here (but only if you’re using Windows 98 or Windows ME) or b) find someone or some system that has msvcp60.dll and copy that file to c:\$windows\system32\ (where $windows is the directory that contains your Windows installation).

d) Create a repository on the machine that is going to host your source code. From the command line on the server machine:
svnadmin create d:\$projects\$projectname

where $projects is the name of a folder that will contain all your Subversion source code repositories and $projectname is the name of the specific project you’re going to create a repository for.

e) Start the server either from the command line:
svnserve -d -r d:\$projects

or use the SVN Service Wrapper (, note that the r switch limits directory browsing by specifying the root of your repositories.

f) Create a users database (which is nothing more than a text file, I created a file called users.conf) and save it in the d:\$projects\$projectname\conf directory and then add your usernames & passwords. An example user database might look like this:[users]
aaron = mypassword

g) Within the d:\$projects\$projectname\directory, open the conf/svnserve.conf file using your text editor of choice and add the following to allow reading and writing to the users in the database we just created:
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = users.conf
realm = $projectname

where $projectname is the name of the project you’re setting up and users.conf is the name of the file you created in step f.

h) Finally, restart the server and you’re ready to start using the client and import your project.

i) To import an existing project, invoke the svn executable from the command line on the client:
svn import c:\temp\myproject svn://myserver/myproject -m "initial import" aaron mypassword

where c:\temp\myproject is the directory that contains the existing project you want to import (and should have 3 folders: trunk, tags and branches, your source code should be in the trunk folder; more on repository layout here), myserver is the name of the server that contains the Subversion repository you created in step d, myproject is the name of the project (ie: $projectname from step d) you’re importing into, the m switch signifies the message you want to tag this import with, followed by the username and password you setup in the users database in step f.

j) Finally, checkout the project from the server (invoking the svn executable from the directory that you want the trunk checked out from…, ie: c:\projects\myproject)
svn co svn://myserver/myproject/trunk . aaron mypassword

k) To add, move, delete, or edit and then commit any changes back to subversion:
Add: svn add src/ -m "adding a file"
Move: svn move src/ src/ -m "moved to"
Delete: svn delete src/ -m "removing a file"
Commit: svn commit src/ -m "the message"

That’s it… there’s a alot more to read. One of the coolest things about Subversion is that the documentation is all packaged up into a free PDF published by Oreilly, which you can download here. I printed out the manual and breezed through it in a couple hours. You should too.

I did try to get the Subclipse Eclipse Subversion plugin working, but for the life of me… I couldn’t. I think it ended up for the better anyhow because while the command line is a bit more tedious, I understand more about what’s going on in the system, which is helpful. I’d recommend that you get familiar with the command line client before attempting to use a GUI plugin.

After you’re all set with Subversion and you’re ready to get started with CruiseControl, note that while Cruisecontrol contains an <svn> tag, you still need to drop down into command line mode in Ant to checkout / update your local repository when doing an automated build. For example:
<exec executable="svn">
  <arg line="update"/>

10 thoughts on “Source Control with Subversion on Windows”

  1. How could you have gone without source control for so long? Especially using Eclipse, it makes life so much easier. Compare current file to revisions in the repository, file roll back. If you are going to try to do some major refactoring, you can create a branch or version, and roll back to that if something goes wrong. Even if you are the lone developer, setting up a cvs server takes at most 10 minutes.


  2. I don’t know if you are aware of this, but one very cool thing about Subversion is that it treats folders as a first class citizen. In CVS, for example, you cannot directly remove a folder from the project. You have to make sure that the files under that folder are all removed–there is no direct way of removing it.

  3. Could you please go on to explain the actual cruise control information? For example, what does your config.xml modification set look like?

  4. in step d) you specify the following command:
    svn import c:\temp\myproject svn://myserver/myproject -m “initial import” aaron mypassword

    well in my case that returns an error, in order to make it work i had to put the –username and –password options. Good work anyway

  5. Hi ajohnson,

    Nice blog…Can you explain a bit more how you went about configuring svn with cruisecontrol.

    I have the svn setup , need to configure cruisecontrol to build once a checkin is done.

    Thank you in advance


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