Category Archives: J2EE

Articles from JDJ

Couple good articles in JDJ this month:

JavaServer Faces: “Developing interesting and effective Java Web applications requires simple, robust, and manageable frameworks and the tools that complement them.” — I read the article and tried to keep up… JSF is NOT simple.

Design Patterns: Java Value Types: “They’re used to transport and adapt an entity’s state between components of a system or to and from other formats, such as XML.

Convenience Apps: “What is a killer app for J2ME?“: If he knew, he wouldn’t be writing for a magazine. 🙂

Server-Side Flash Detection Using BrowserHawk @ DEVNET

I wrote an article for Macromedia Devnet which was just published today! Check it out here: Server-Side Flash Detection Using BrowserHawk. If you’ve never used BrowserHawk before, it’ll be a good introduction. However, if you’ve used it with ColdFusion, you should definitely read it, I was able to use BrowserHawk 4J (the Java version) with CFMX rather than using the ASP bridge (which was and is required if you want to access the extended properties of BrowserHawk in versions of ColdFusion prior to MX).

I should thank Shena at my work for bringing it up as an option (she contacted Macromedia originally), thanks Shena!

apache xml-rpc metaWeblog api

Some irish guy wrote up a short blogging APIs mini how-to yesterday. Then some other guy from England (I think) commented that he had written up a quick example of using the apache xml-rpc package to call the metaWeblog api. So I had to try it too. Turns out that a) xml-rpc is really easy to do and b) the Moveable Type xml-rpc api is really easy too… the code below calls the getRecentPosts() method of the metaWeblog api using the apache xml-rpc package:

import org.apache.xmlrpc.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MTTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   System.out.println(“Starting Movable type stuff”);
   Vector params=null;

   // Create XML RPC Client object
   XmlRpcClient xmlrpc = new XmlRpcClient(“”);

   // blogger.getRecentPosts
   // String appkey, String blogid, String username, String password, int numberOfPosts
   System.out.println(“Adding the parameters”);
   params = new Vector();
   params.add(“your_weblog_id”); // weblog id
   params.add(“yourusername”); // username
   params.add(“yourpassword”); // password
   params.add(“4”); // number of posts to retrieve…

   System.out.println(“Making the call”);
   Vector v = (Vector)xmlrpc.execute(“metaWeblog.getRecentPosts”,params);

   System.out.println(“This call results in ” + v.size() + ” posts.”);
   System.out.println(“These are the results:”);
    for (int i=0; i

Overriding the equals() method

I was looking for any best practices related to overriding the equals() method in objects and came across, which has a section devoted to the equals() method: Implementing equals. This article doesn’t really answer the question of “when” you override the method, although from other reading I can surmise that you do so whenever you think you or someone else may need to use the object as a key in a hashtable. Any other opinions as to the “when” of overriding the equals() method?