- Scenarios for the COVID-19 Future
4 scenarios for the next 12 months, focused on the United States.
(categories: scenario-planning strategy planning )
Links: 5-14-2020
- Encouraging a Culture of Written Communication – mcls
Huge huge fan of written communication, this is a great post that summarizes some of the reasons why.
(categories: communication culture documentation writing )
Links: 5-11-2020
- The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them
Zero doubt in my mind that we’re headed for a significant second wave in the US.
(categories: coronavirus health public-health infographic )
Links: 4-28-2020
- Apple’s COVID Mobility Data – kieranhealy.org
Maps, statistics, deep-dives… all of my favorite things.
(categories: data maps statistics apple covid )
Links: 4-21-2020
Links: 4-15-2020
- Jim Collins – Video/Audio – THE STOCKDALE PARADOX
Quote: "He said, “The optimists. Yes. They were the ones who always said, ‘We’re going to be out by Christmas.’ Christmas would come and it would go. And there would be another Christmas. And they died of a broken heart.” Then he grabbed me by the shoulders and he said, “This is what I learned from those years in the prison camp, where all those constraints just were oppressive. You must never ever ever confuse, on the one hand, the need for absolute, unwavering faith that you can prevail despite those constraints with, on the other hand, the need for the discipline to begin by confronting the brutal facts, whatever they are. We’re not getting out of here by Christmas.” via:daringfireball
(categories: coronavirus optimism mindset thinking )
Links: 4-13-2020
- Slow to save screenshots – Apple Community
This setting ("Show Floating Thumbnail") has been bugging me for months…. glad to have found a way to turn it off.
(categories: osx screenshot utilities )
Links: 3-18-2020
- We’re not going back to normal – MIT Technology Review
Not the first blog post I’ve read that’s saying this.
(categories: health pandemic coronavirus life culture ) - Flattening the Coronavirus Curve Is Not Enough | The MIT Press Reader
For posterity.
(categories: coronavirus health pandemic public-health )
Links: 3-14-2020
- Resources for companies embracing remote work | GitLab
Never more valuable.
(categories: remote wfh remote-first work management ) - An AWS Bill Analysis: Changelogs.md – Last Week in AWS
A fun deep dive into all things AWS costs.
(categories: aws cost cloud cost-optimization ) - How to help someone use a computer
All kinds of great advice questions for product managers & designers as they interact with customers.
(categories: computers design empathy ux customerfocus ) - How Expedia Solved a $100 Million Customer Service Nightmare
Quote: "When we create organizations, we’re doing it to give people focus. We’re essentially giving them a license to be myopic. We’re saying: This is your problem. Define your mission and create your strategy and align your resources to solve that problem. And you have the divine right to ignore all of the other stuff that doesn’t align with that."
(categories: organization design management goals focus )
Links: 2-21-2020
- Writing Runbook Documentation When You’re An SRE · Transposit
Excellent list of templates for writing great runbooks.
(categories: documentation devops sre runbook )