- How to do data portability (Scripting News)
Quote: "The best way to achieve data portability is to just do it." Couldn’t agree more.
(categories: data database open dataportability davewiner )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 5-25-2008
- NewsGator Delivers Recommended RSS Articles via Collaborative Filtering
Newsgator outsources collaborative filtering to to SenseArray.
(categories: collaborative_filtering collectiveintelligence newgator rss attentionstream sensearray ) - Slidecasting 101
How to synchronize an MP3 with a slideshare presentation. Woul love to see more presentations done this way.
(categories: slideshare presentations mp3 slidecast ) - random($foo): Rearchitecting Twitter: Brought to You By the 17th Letter of the Alphabet
Fun to think about.
(categories: twitter scaling scalability dfs distributed messaging )
Links: 5-23-2008
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Using a Lot of Disk Space to Scale | High Scalability
A list of some of the seemingly crazy things you have to do if you’re going to use BigTable.
(categories: architecture cluster database data sharding scaling performance bigtable scalability ) - Coding Horror: OpenID: Does The World Really Need Yet Another Username and Password?
Great discussion on OpenID including a fair assessment of some of the shortcomings.
(categories: openid usability ui security authentication privacy )
Links: 5-16-2008
- Operations is a competitive advantage… (Secret Sauce for Startups!) – O’Reilly Radar
The "… the ability to consistently create and deploy reliable software to an unreliable platform that scales horizontally" is a competitive advantage.
(categories: architecture automation development infrastructure management monitoring scalability )
Links: 5-9-2008
- Ma.tt » Infrastructure as Competitive Advantage
WordPress founder on performance: "Google Gears is going to change the web as we know it today – LocalServer will obsolete CDNs as we know them."
(categories: scaling wordpress mattmullenweg infrastructure performance akamai cdn ) - 5 reasons I won’t be getting on the open id train – Warpspire
Quote from the comments: "When I read about OpenID I think it was a great idea until I began to use it." I totally agree.
(categories: openid usability experience ux ui security ) - JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT) at noumena
JS based charting including treemaps, hyperbolic trees and space trees.
(categories: ajax charting cool data visualization javascript ) - Node Garden | Gallery of Computation
I like that: "node garden". Cool pictures.
(categories: art processing computing )
Links: 5-6-2008
- Email Dashboard: Three next steps for email
Quote: Email has become and will remain the central hub of activity around which the majority of business activities take place. But email as a platform will lose much of its allure if that data can’t be seamlessly accessed and shared with applications.
(categories: email integration collaboration ) - Diamond Notes » Scaling MySQL – – Up or Out? Panel @ UC
Wow. Facebook = 1,800 MySQL servers, 10,000 http servers, 800 memcached servers.
(categories: facebook scaling memcached mysql performance architecture )
Links: 5-2-2008
Links: 4-29-2008
- The Noisy Channel: The Efficiency of Social Tagging
Quote: "… the efficiency of tagging on del.icio.us has been decreasing over time… and conclude by suggesting that current tagging interfaces may be at fault, through a positive feedback process of encouraging popular tags."
(categories: delicious tags tagging social socialtagging ) - findability.org: Faceted Search: An Interview with Tito Sierra
Really nice looking search results page, we need to get something like this into 2.2.
(categories: clearspace search facetedsearch facets ) - Amazon Web Services Blog: May We Help You?
You can now buy support for Amazon web services tech support (based on Jive Forums). Also: Phone support is handled using Amazon’s proven Click-to-Call technology — click a button and they call back!
(categories: amazon ec2 aws s3 support customerservice ) - Top Gun 2007 / DSC_3760.jpg
Geez I wish I was 11 again. That’s an *RC* plane. Come on.
(categories: rc aviation planes kids photos )
At Least They’re Doing Something
What a great essay / presentation by Clay Shirky. A couple quotes that stood out to me:
And what did we do with that free time? Well, mostly we spent it watching TV.
We did that for decades. We watched I Love Lucy. We watched Gilligan’s Island. We watch Malcolm in the Middle. We watch Desperate Housewives. Desperate Housewives essentially functioned as a kind of cognitive heat sink, dissipating thinking that might otherwise have built up and caused society to overheat.
And it’s only now, as we’re waking up from that collective bender, that we’re starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis. We’re seeing things being designed to take advantage of that surplus, to deploy it in ways more engaging than just having a TV in everybody’s basement.
This hit me in a conversation I had about two months ago. As Jen said in the introduction, I’ve finished a book called Here Comes Everybody, which has recently come out, and this recognition came out of a conversation I had about the book. I was being interviewed by a TV producer to see whether I should be on their show, and she asked me, “What are you seeing out there that’s interesting?”
I started telling her about the Wikipedia article on Pluto. You may remember that Pluto got kicked out of the planet club a couple of years ago, so all of a sudden there was all of this activity on Wikipedia. The talk pages light up, people are editing the article like mad, and the whole community is in an ruckus–“How should we characterize this change in Pluto’s status?” And a little bit at a time they move the article–fighting offstage all the while–from, “Pluto is the ninth planet,” to “Pluto is an odd-shaped rock with an odd-shaped orbit at the edge of the solar system.”
So I tell her all this stuff, and I think, “Okay, we’re going to have a conversation about authority or social construction or whatever.” That wasn’t her question. She heard this story and she shook her head and said, “Where do people find the time?” That was her question. And I just kind of snapped. And I said, “No one who works in TV gets to ask that question. You know where the time comes from. It comes from the cognitive surplus you’ve been masking for 50 years.”
So how big is that surplus? So if you take Wikipedia as a kind of unit, all of Wikipedia, the whole project–every page, every edit, every talk page, every line of code, in every language that Wikipedia exists in–that represents something like the cumulation of 100 million hours of human thought. I worked this out with Martin Wattenberg at IBM; it’s a back-of-the-envelope calculation, but it’s the right order of magnitude, about 100 million hours of thought.
And television watching? Two hundred billion hours, in the U.S. alone, every year. Put another way, now that we have a unit, that’s 2,000 Wikipedia projects a year spent watching television. Or put still another way, in the U.S., we spend 100 million hours every weekend, just watching the ads. This is a pretty big surplus. People asking, “Where do they find the time?” when they’re looking at things like Wikipedia don’t understand how tiny that entire project is, as a carve-out of this asset that’s finally being dragged into what Tim calls an architecture of participation.
So that’s the answer to the question, “Where do they find the time?” Or, rather, that’s the numerical answer. But beneath that question was another thought, this one not a question but an observation. In this same conversation with the TV producer I was talking about World of Warcraft guilds, and as I was talking, I could sort of see what she was thinking: “Losers. Grown men sitting in their basement pretending to be elves.” At least they’re doing something.
Links: 4-25-2008
- JSSh – a TCP/IP JavaScript Shell Server for Mozilla
Remotely control Firefox. What a great prank this would make.
(categories: ajax automation browser debugging firefox extension shell mozilla javascript ) - 10 Things I Want From Enterprise RSS » SlideShare
The ten things: social, smart, mobile, up to date, suggestive, mashable, feedburner-like, pipes-capable, single sign-on-able and supported.
(categories: yahoopipes feedburner enterprise rss feeds syndication atom collaborative_filtering collectiveintelligence ) - scottberkun.com » Report from Web 2.0 expo
Question: "Does your Web 2.0 and social media software make the process of collaboration and developing relationships more fun, efficient, powerful and meaningful?"
(categories: clearspace collaboration value roi ) - A Journey In Social Media: Taking The Next Big Step
Quote: "… I want to expose existing content to be part of the discussion in our social environment, and, second – I want selected wikis, conversations, blog posts, etc. to be ‘captured’ as enterprise content for feeding into other … processes.
(categories: chuckhollis clearspace distributed discussions aggregation feeds )