- Are you building an everyday app? (the LinkedIn problem) – Bokardo
Everyday apps in theory are as plentiful as bees in a blossoming apple tree. In practice, however, everyday apps are exceedingly rare.
(categories: everydayapp facebook linkedin socialsoftware ) - Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life – Are you building an application that people use every day or do you just think you are?
From reading the blog posts about the changes, the problem the switch from a highlights-centric news feed to a real-time stream is addressing is the fact that the highlights-based feed is stale and doesn’t provide enough value for users who’ve not just become every day users but are now every hour users. Not only do over 100 million of its users login every day but with 90 million users generating 90 billion page views in the month of March 2009 that implies the average page view for a Facebook user is over once per hour.
(categories: facebook everydayapp stream realtime activitystreams ) - Notification Strategies for Social Networks
Assuming you want to spread news about a feature to people on a social network and that you’re limited to x notifications but you have y participants, what’s the most effective use of those x notifications? Answer: calculating influence.
(categories: social socialnetworks notification eigenvalue centrality )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 5-16-2009
- Custom StackOverflow Shirts at Social Shirt: Wear Your Reputation!
Ghetto but novel.
(categories: shirt socialnetworks twitter )
Links: 5-15-2009
- Rands In Repose: Engineering Management Interview Questions
More good stuff from Rands on engineering mgmt.
(categories: management software interview questions engineering )
Links: 5-10-2009
- Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life – RSS readers modeled after email clients are fundamentally broken
The problem is that the RSS readers I use regularly, Google Reader and RSS Bandit, take their inspiration from email clients which is the wrong model for consuming casual content like blogs. Whenever I fire up an email application like Outlook or Hotmail it presents me with a list of tasks I must complete in the form of messages that need responses, work items, meeting invitations, spam that needs to deleting, notifications related to commercial/financial transactions that I need to be aware of and so on. Reading email is a chore where you are constantly taunted by the BOLD unread messages indicator silently nagging you about the stuff you haven’t done yet.
(categories: rss email aggregation informationoverload rssreader )
Links: 4-13-2009
- rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs
Every site becomes a tinyURL generator, works if you can afford a small domain, not tenable long term.
(categories: python bookmarks tinyurl rev=canonical urls shortener ) - favikon
Easy web-based favicon generator.
(categories: tools favicon icons generator )
Links: 4-12-2009
- Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Digg Search: Now With 99.987% Less Suck
Based on Lucene + Solr.
(categories: search lucene filtering digg faceted ) - scottberkun.com » Where do your ideas die? (With a bad illustration)
It’s much more useful to study where the bottlenecks are, when and why new ideas are killed, and who the people are that are killing them.If you have 1000 new ideas a month, but 0 prototypes are ever made from them, what good is another 2000 ideas? It’s much better to study why there is no time or rewards for prototyping and focus on getting that number to go up.
(categories: innovation strategy management ideas )
Links: 4-9-2009
- Building Sites Around Social Objects (Live from Web 2.0) – ReadWriteWeb
1. Define your object, 2. define your verbs, 3. make the objects shareable, 4. turn invitations into gifts, 5. charge the publishers, not the spectators. Also: preconditions of disruptive innovation: #1 = simpler.
(categories: innovation social socialsoftware sharing socialobjects ) - Elastic Happiness – Anil Dash
Quote: "Put simply, an elastic artificial intelligence helps a game adapt to the varying skill levels of players, keeping a game competitive when it might otherwise simply let one player profit from an advantage to the degree that the game would become boring, frustrating, or simply unwinnable for all other players." Might have some applications for how we calculate status level points in Jive SBS.
(categories: status games points play rubberband )
Links: 4-2-2009
- Dive into history, 2009 edition [dive into mark]
Quote: "Oh, and there was one other little thing that happened between 2000 and 2009: search stopped sucking and took over the web. Kids today may not remember, but it used to be hard to find stuff on the web. Once you found it, you wanted to download it so you could read it offline." So true, I remember so many conversations about the polar bear book.
(categories: search information navigation ia informationarchitecture )
Links: 3-29-2009
- Epizeuxis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My personal word of the day. Via Caterina Fake.
(categories: language wikipedia linguistics )
Links: 3-26-2009
- Clearspace on Wikirank
Nice visualizations of wikipedia.org traffic, kind of like google trends but based on traffic rather than searches.
(categories: infoviz graphing visualization trends wikipedia )