- logstalgia – Project Hosting on Google Code
Wish this was in the lobby at Jive (watch the video).
(categories: visualization apache monitoring infoviz )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 8-1-2009
- PostRank™ Data Services // Home
Another business built around access to real-time data.
(categories: data api realtime datamining social ) - PostRank Blog › Whitepaper: Tracking Social Engagement with Content
Whitepaper that discusses the who and how much wrt conversation around several different types of technology sites. Twitter ranks highly on all fronts.
(categories: postrank socialmedia ) - Developer Evangelist Handbook
Quote: This handbook will get you on the way to be a great developer evangelist for any product or company
(categories: development community communication evangelism )
Links: 7-31-2009
- The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive Java One 2009: Building Consistent RESTful APIs in a High Performance Environment «
Great example of a well thought out web services API.
(categories: rest api linkedin performance webservices atom ) - The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive LinkedIn Widget for IBM Lotus Notes now available «
Social slowly coming to email. Too bad Gist is light years ahead of this.
(categories: linkedin notes socialsoftware email gist lotus ) - Flickr: Collection: Search Patterns
A sandbox for collecting search examples, patterns, and anti-patterns. Super cool.
(categories: search patterns ui usability interface flickr ia )
Links: 7-29-2009
- Email Client Popularity: June 2009 – Blog – Campaign Monitor
Great insights into what email clients are being used. Looks like you could cover 75% of the email market with Outlook, Yahoo and Hotmail.
(categories: email iphone gmail mobile emailmarketing ) - Solving problems collaboratively trumps isolated expertise « WorkEx Update
Quote: … Instead, they say, the formula for success was to bring together people with complementary skills and combine different methods of problem-solving. This became increasingly apparent as the contest evolved. Mr. Volinsky’s team, BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos, was the longtime front-runner and the first to surpass the 10 percent hurdle. It is actually a seven-person collection of other teams, and its members are statisticians, machine learning experts and computer engineers from the United States, Austria, Canada and Israel.
(categories: collaboration innovation )
Links: 7-26-2009
- TransparencyCamp 2009
This un-conference is about convening a trans-partisan tribe of open government advocates from all walks — government representatives, technologists, developers, NGOs, wonks and activists — to share knowledge on how to use new technologies to make our government transparent and meaningfully accessible to the public.
(categories: government politics transparency conference barcamp unconference government2.0 )
Links: 7-25-2009
- Subtraction.com: A Good Day’s Busy Work
Quote: … Apparently, it means a compulsive dedication to what essentially amounts to busy work: checking in with your followers or friends repeatedly and often, authoring bursts of quasi-communiqués at all hours of the day, continually updating your statuses, tending a limitless onslaught of friend requests, managing an unyielding firehose of housekeeping tasks. It just means spending a lot of time just wasting time. And not just that, but it also means creating all of this busy work for other people, too; creating or updating or inputting more stuff for everyone to read — or more accurately, for everyone to feel they have to keep up with. We’re all blindsiding ourselves and one another with trivial obligations.
(categories: twitter communication culture productivity ) - SharePoint Connector for JIRA – CustomWare.net – Consulting, Solutions and Professional Services
Jira connector for Sharepoint: most of the connector is in Sharepoint.
(categories: jira sharepoint connector plugins integration ) - Help us Integrate Confluence with Alfresco – Atlassian Developer Blog
Confluence integrating with Alfresco: really basic integration using OpenSearch and a couple macros. Done by a partner called Sourcesense.
(categories: confluence alfresco integration ) - The Old Solutions Have Become the New Problems – BusinessWeek
Some interesting rules that may relate to social business software: No. 1: Race to I-Space: Business is no longer just about the product. Now it’s about solutions for the individual. Economic value is hidden in consumers’ unmet needs and is released by providing people with the means to fulfill those needs. New Rule No. 2: Advocate, Don’t Alienate. "Who are you? What do you need? How can I help?" This creates a dynamic of advocacy and mutual accountability. The more trust you build, the more value you release, and the more wealth you create. New Rule No. 3: Collaborate and Federate to Compete. When you’re in I-Space, you need to collaborate and federate to provide the support individuals need. You can’t do it alone because the needs of individuals don’t conform to existing organizational and industry boundaries. This means learning how to manage what you don’t control or own. These economies of trust are becoming even more important than economies of scale.
(categories: business innovation economy harvard collaboration management ) - Brizzly: A Twitter Reader From The People Who Brought You Google Reader
Doing all the stuff that Twitter should be doing in their UI (ie: autoexpanding short URL’s, infinite scrolling, direct messages that are more like IM, etc.)
(categories: twitter realtime aggregator brizzly )
Links: 7-24-2009
- Twitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
Cool idea, we should have something similar for Jive SBS.
(categories: twitter business marketing tips guide ) - Read It: Search User Interfaces
An entire book devoted to the UI / UX of search.
(categories: design ux book interface ui usability search ) - Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News | Posting to the Stream in Real Time with the Live Stream Box
Live updating embeddable status update streams. Super cool idea.
(categories: facebook widgets realtime social chat streaming ) - pubsubhubbub – Project Hosting on Google Code
A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as an extension to Atom. Parties (servers) speaking the PubSubHubbub protocol can get near-instant notifications (via webhook callbacks) when a topic (Atom URL) they’re interested in is updated.
(categories: pubsub pubsubhubbub realtime feeds rss atom http webhooks ) - Google’s Pubsubhubbub (Scripting News)
Pubsubhubbub explained by Dave Winer, basically an HTTP only implementation of pubsub using Atom.
(categories: google rss api twitter feeds atom pubsubhubbub ) - Bantam
Really really interesting microblogging, social crm, collaboration tool, we could learn a lot from their UI. Watch the demo.
(categories: business collaboration social-crm twitter social ) - Recap of Real-time Stream CrunchUp — TECHNOSIGHT
Good wrapup of some of the stuff that went down at the Real-time streaming event.
(categories: realtime collaboration )
Links: 7-22-2009
- Scott Rosenberg’s Wordyard » Blog Archive » How Twitter makes blogs smarter
Quote: Today, at any rate, those who wish to share quotidian updates have a more efficient channel with which to share them. This clarifies the place of blogs as repositories for our bigger thoughts and ideas and for more lasting records of our own experiences and observations.
(categories: twitter blogging blogs socialmedia blog ) - Google Code Blog: Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, with Permission
Great example of ‘roles’ within a web application, should look at this as we ‘roll’ out the same.
(categories: roles security authorization ) - Webhooks behind the firewall with Reverse HTTP
Seems like this would snap in nicely to the Jive cloud.
(categories: reverse-http webhooks firewall ) - Features – Zoho Office For Microsoft SharePoint, Online Collaboration, Online Word Processor, Online Spreadsheet, Online Presentation
Zoho released a plugin for Sharepoint that brings Zoho functionality into Sharepoint.
(categories: zoho sharepoint documents office plugins )
Links: 7-21-2009
- AideRSS + GoogleReader Firefox extension
Cool extension into Google Reader that gives you the ability to filter a feed or a group of feeds by how popular it is according to AideRSS.
(categories: googlereader firefox rss greasemonkey filtering ratings )
Links: 7-20-2009
- Software is hard | Introduction to Firebug: Net Panel
Learned about the request Timeline feature.
(categories: firefox performance debugging speed net firebug tools debug )