All posts by ajohnson

Links: 9-27-2009

  • App Store Discoverability « random($foo)
    Some awesome ideas for the app store, quote: "Along the social lines, there are two other paths to explore – the activity stream – having a view to see what your friends have just installed, starred, reviewed, etc. and on the other end, aggregate stats of usage – you’d probably get a pretty good ideas of which apps were worthwhile if you could see what apps were most used during the day (either in opens or in minutes). This could also be applied to other aggregates, like the global population, or to clusters (recommendations: people who used the apps you use also use these apps)."
    (categories: apple discovery activitystreams socialsoftware )

  • Functioning Form – Design at Facebook
    Nothing earth shattering. Quote: "In particular, they emphasized the importance of writing code, sharing designs early and often, being involved with a project from start to finish, and not falling in love with your work. Making sure designers are technical enough to write code came up a lot."
    (categories: design facebook process ux usability ui product-design )

Links: 9-25-2009

Links: 9-19-2009

Links: 9-17-2009

Links: 9-15-2009

Links: 9-6-2009

Links: 8-31-2009

  • Open Government Innovation Gallery
    The Innovations Gallery celebrates the innovators and innovations who are championing the President’s vision of more effective and open government. In the Innovations Gallery, the public can browse examples of new ways in which agencies across the Executive branch are using transparency, participation, and collaboration to achieve their mission.
    (categories: government innovation transparency socialmedia government2.0 collaboration politics opengovernment whitehouse )

  • DoDTechipedia – Department of Defense
    The DoDTechipedia Family of Services utilizes a wiki-based approach to foster collaboration between the S&T community and the military services and combatant commands. The Department of Defense is also fostering government and industry collaboration to improve overall technology awareness, and is experimenting with innovative procurement approaches that leverage the innovation of industry in addressing immediate military needs.
    (categories: wiki innovation gov2.0 government government2.0 military collaboration )

  • Department of Defense – Aristotle
    Aristotle is a social networking system that provides government and contractor personnel with transparent, but appropriate, access to information regarding tens of thousands of science and technology projects, topics of interest, and collegial networks. Aristotle provides an interactive digital workspace where users can explore, understand, visualize, and contribute to information about – and linkages between – people, projects, topics and documents. This allows scientists, engineers, technologists and other users to perform better as individuals and in teams.
    (categories: collaboration transparency government2.0 government military )