- App Store Discoverability « random($foo)
Some awesome ideas for the app store, quote: "Along the social lines, there are two other paths to explore – the activity stream – having a view to see what your friends have just installed, starred, reviewed, etc. and on the other end, aggregate stats of usage – you’d probably get a pretty good ideas of which apps were worthwhile if you could see what apps were most used during the day (either in opens or in minutes). This could also be applied to other aggregates, like the global population, or to clusters (recommendations: people who used the apps you use also use these apps)."
(categories: apple discovery activitystreams socialsoftware ) - Functioning Form – Design at Facebook
Nothing earth shattering. Quote: "In particular, they emphasized the importance of writing code, sharing designs early and often, being involved with a project from start to finish, and not falling in love with your work. Making sure designers are technical enough to write code came up a lot."
(categories: design facebook process ux usability ui product-design )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 9-25-2009
- The Duct Tape Programmer – Joel on Software
*Great* blog post by Joel Spolsky, quote: "At the end of the day, ship the fucking thing! It’s great to rewrite your code and make it cleaner and by the third time it’ll actually be pretty. But that’s not the point—you’re not here to write code; you’re here to ship products."
(categories: programming development softwareengineering software process ) - Management lessons from Gears of War 2 « Scott Berkun
Quote: Talking matters. In Horde you have to share what you see, and take advantage of all the viewpoints. Teams that talk more last longer – it’s nearly a rule in Horde. If a minute into the game no one has spoken, it’s going to be a short game. Same goes for project management – teams that are good are sharing useful info with each other prevent things from going from.
(categories: management collaboration work leadership games team )
Links: 9-24-2009
- Product Ideas for Google Reader – Google Product Ideas
Google Appspot application for submitting, rating and evaluating ideas.
(categories: google ideas crowdsourcing reader )
Links: 9-23-2009
- Ajaxian » Gmail Mobile team talks Latency and Code Loading
Great hack.
(categories: javascript google ajax gmail performance mobile )
Links: 9-19-2009
- Echofon
A Twitter app whose main feature is read tracking synchronization.
(categories: twitter iphone readtracking noise ) - Understanding Users of Social Networks — HBS Working Knowledge
Lots of good stuff in this article. One quote: "The biggest discovery: pictures. "People just love to look at pictures," says Piskorski. "That’s the killer app of all online social networks. Seventy percent of all actions are related to viewing pictures or viewing other people’s profiles."
(categories: socialmedia twitter facebook harvard socialsoftware ) - The AHT Guide to Hamburger and Cheeseburger Styles | A Hamburger Today
Suddenly very very hungry.
(categories: food cooking hamburgers burgers culture ) - Behind the scenes: How the Campaign Monitor team does lunch – Blog – Campaign Monitor
Hey! There’s some Jive inside of Campaign Monitor. 🙂
(categories: jive campaignmonitor email lunch ) - Ajaxian » Sprite Me! How to do CSS sprites without having to do CSS sprites
Cool tool that automatically sprites images in a page.
(categories: css tools performance sprites )
Links: 9-17-2009
- socialscope
Social inbox for mobile. Funny quote: "The only problem I’ve had with the app: Because it runs in the background and is constantly checking for updates, it drains your battery quite rapidly." I bet he’s already uninstalled it.
(categories: blackberry twitter facebook mobile socialsoftware ) - Facebook | Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones
Interesting because they actually show you the # of monthly active users (currently ~9m) as compared to the Facebook iPhone app which has ~13m monthly users. Surprising, I thought the iPhone would have way more users.
(categories: iphone blackberry mobile facebook socialsoftware ) - Superfeedr Blog : Real-time RSS notifications on your iPhone
App that uses push to notify you of RSS changes: only really useful if you have a service like superfeedr or are using pubsubhubbub.
(categories: iphone push rss atom pubsub syndication xmpp ) - Spigit Launches Integration With Microsoft Sharepoint
SharePoint plus idea management.
(categories: ideas innovation sharepoint integration )
Links: 9-15-2009
- Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Looking to the future with Cassandra
Interesting article on cassandra, denormalization and mysql.
(categories: cassandra database digg architecture scalability performance mysql scaling ) - Effective A/B Testing
Great presentation on A/B testing, would love to work this into Jive Express at some point.
(categories: testing statistics usability analytics abtesting optimization a/b ) - Local Lucene | GIS Search
Geo-search using Lucene: I did this a couple years ago using the Great Circle algorithm inside of SQL Server, would be interesting to see how the two compare.
(categories: lucene search geospatial java solr gis spatial ) - Netflix prize tribute: Recommendation algorithm in Python | This Number Crunching Life
Quick implementation of the Netflix recommendation algorithm (probablistic matrix factorization) in Python.
(categories: python netflix algorithm machinelearning algorithms recommendation )
Links: 9-9-2009
- How to publish and receive blog posts in Real-time
Comparison of pubsubhubbub, rssCloud, SUP and im.wordpress.com.
(categories: rss blog blogging rsscloud pubsubhubbub feeds im realtime )
Links: 9-6-2009
- Nosco – Idea Management and Prediction Markets
Employee idea management backed by a prediction market.
(categories: idea innovation crowdsourcing ideas software ) - Palantir Government | Palantir Technologies
Palantir Government is a platform for information analysis. Palantir was designed for environments where the fragments of data that an analyst combines to tell the larger story are spread across a vast set of starting material. Palantir provides flexible tools to import and model data, intuitive constructs to search against this data, and powerful techniques to iteratively define and test hypotheses. With Palantir, an analyst can go all the way from an initial tasking to a final product in hours or days, rather than weeks.
(categories: government information infoviz data ) - linkiblog | How to Build a Popularity Algorithm You can be Proud of
A bunch of different ways of looking at popularity.
(categories: algorithm popularity ranking algorithms statistics social voting ) - Collecta
Distinctive in that it updates search results in real time on the search results page.
(categories: search realtime searchengine twitter social ) - Strophe
JavaScript XMPP library.
(categories: xmpp javascript im http bosh library jabber ) - visophyte: data made shiny :: So’s your facet: Faceted global search for Mozilla Thunderbird
Pretty nice implementation of faceted search inside Thunderbird. Love seeing something new going on in email.
(categories: email search faceted ux thunderbird ) - Lessons Learned: What is customer development?
ie: how to make stuff that people want to buy.
(categories: startup entrepreneurship business strategy development customerdevelopment )
Links: 8-31-2009
- Open Government Innovation Gallery
The Innovations Gallery celebrates the innovators and innovations who are championing the President’s vision of more effective and open government. In the Innovations Gallery, the public can browse examples of new ways in which agencies across the Executive branch are using transparency, participation, and collaboration to achieve their mission.
(categories: government innovation transparency socialmedia government2.0 collaboration politics opengovernment whitehouse ) - DoDTechipedia – Department of Defense
The DoDTechipedia Family of Services utilizes a wiki-based approach to foster collaboration between the S&T community and the military services and combatant commands. The Department of Defense is also fostering government and industry collaboration to improve overall technology awareness, and is experimenting with innovative procurement approaches that leverage the innovation of industry in addressing immediate military needs.
(categories: wiki innovation gov2.0 government government2.0 military collaboration ) - Department of Defense – Aristotle
Aristotle is a social networking system that provides government and contractor personnel with transparent, but appropriate, access to information regarding tens of thousands of science and technology projects, topics of interest, and collegial networks. Aristotle provides an interactive digital workspace where users can explore, understand, visualize, and contribute to information about – and linkages between – people, projects, topics and documents. This allows scientists, engineers, technologists and other users to perform better as individuals and in teams.
(categories: collaboration transparency government2.0 government military )