- Log in or sign up? – Leah Culver’s Blog
I prefer the Amazon one only because it gives you the ability to get more information up front but short registrations are always better than no registrations.
(categories: usability ui design ux authentication registration interface )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 11-6-2009
- Microsoft To Offer Application Marketplace In Sharepoint 2010 – ReadWriteEnterprise
Microsoft will offer an application marketplace within Sharepoint 2010 that will integrate with third-party applications from its partner network. No date has been set for the marketplace lauch but it will evolve from "The Gallery" a feature that provides Sharepoint 2010 users access to templates.
(categories: microsoft sharepoint 2010 cloud apps appstore ) - A summary of Shelton Shugar’s talk: "Accelerating Innovation with Cloud Computing" (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
Liked the broad description of what Yahoo does in the cloud, we need to start thinking big like this, quote: "The Yahoo! cloud has five components: Edge services, Cloud serving where we host applications, Online storage for serving content to consumers, A batch-processing data warehouse, Data collection services to filter and de-duplicate incoming data, and block abusive requests"
(categories: cloud yahoo edge ) - Field (Closure Library API Documentation – JavaScript)
Closure rich text editor.
(categories: javascript wysiwyg rte editor closure google )
Links: 11-2-2009
Links: 11-1-2009
- First & 20
iPhone homescreens from a bunch of tech luminaries.
(categories: iphone apple design homescreen apps )
Links: 10-30-2009
Links: 10-29-2009
- Youtube Epidemiology Interface | overstated
Cool new statistics pages on Youtube per video.
(categories: statistics infoviz youtube ratings popularity )
Links: 10-26-2009
Really nice commenting engine that gives people the ability to share their comments back into Facebook, Twitter and a bunch of other places.
(categories: javascript widgets comments ajax web2.0 socialsoftware socialmedia ) - IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
Would love to have this at work.
(categories: whiteboard brainstorming paint ideas creativity design ) - How Google and Facebook are using R : Dataspora Blog
Quote: "[Facebook] … found that activity at three months was predicted by variables related to three classes of behavior: (i) how often a user was reached out to by others, (ii) frequency of third party application use, and (iii) what Itamar termed “receptiveness” — related to how forthcoming a user was on the site."
(categories: statistics google analytics facebook datamining analysis data ) - Restructuring expert attention to revive the lost art of personal customer service « Jon Udell
Quote: "We’ve been told that companies can’t afford to focus expert attention on customers. The truth, of course, is that they can’t afford not to. For a generation and more we’ve driven a wedge between people who have expertise with products and services and people who need that expertise. How’s that working for you? Me neither. It’s true that expert attention is a scarce resource. But we’re living through a Cambrian explosion of awareness networks and communication modes. Used adroitly, they can optimize the allocation of that scarce resource. Which is a fancy way of saying: Maybe personal customer service isn’t a lost art after all."
(categories: customerservice management socialsoftware expert-attention )
Links: 10-15-2009
- danieltenner.com — What problems does Google Wave solve?
Quote: "… People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple casino bitcoins organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain."
(categories: google wave googlewave email collaboration communication social )
Links: 10-13-2009
- Game (dog) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Via the Gladwell article about football: Game or Gameness is a quality of fighting dogs or working terriers that are selectively bred and conditioned from a very early age to develop traits of eagerness despite the threat of substantive injury. Dogs displaying this trait can also be described as persevering, ready and willing, full of fight, spirited, or plucky.
(categories: sports )
Links: 10-12-2009
- Diagramming the Social Ecosystem
Cool viz of the stuff going on in social software.
(categories: social design visualization socialsoftware )