- Algorithmic recruitment with GitHub :: Hackdiary
Great example of how social software adds real value to your everyday life.
(categories: social graph socialsoftware algorithm network graphing socialnetworks ) - Plupload – A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
Plupload v1.0 — Allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.
(categories: jquery javascript flash ajax tools silverlight html5 upload )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 2-12-2010
- A Whole Lotta Nothing: Broken feedback loops
Quote: "So to future application creators I ask that you simply respect the creators of content and help them improve by offering notification, search, and/or backlink capabilities so it’s possible for someone to see where their creations end up. I know it’s a lot easier to just consider it all "output" within your application, but the internet is a great communication medium not just for relaying information from anyone to anywhere on earth, but for also making it a dialogue between reader and writer. "
(categories: google facebook social communication twitter socialnetworking feedback )
Links: 2-5-2010
- An Entirely Other Day: The Days of Miracles and Wonder
LOVE this.
(categories: funny future writing humor culture 2010 technology apple ) - The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive Reorder the Sections on Your LinkedIn Profile: Now You’re in Control «
Drag’n’drop of your linkedin.com profile.
(categories: linkedin ux profile ) - Facebook and Twitter Slowly Replacing Email? – Hernan Garcia
By 2012, over 50 percent of enterprises will use activity streams that include microblogging, but stand-alone enterprise microblogging will have less than 5 percent penetration.
(categories: twitter microblogging activitystreams email emailsucks )
Links: 2-1-2010
- Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing: How Google sets goals and measures success
Excerpt: "Google sets impossible bodacious goals…and then achieves them. The engineering mindset of solving the impossible problem is part of the culture instilled in every group at Google. Tough engineering problems don’t have obvious answers. You need to invent the solution, not just optimize something that exists. Every quarter every group at Google sets goals, called OKRs, for the next 90 days. Most big companies set annual goals like improving or growing something by x%, and then measure performance once a year. At Google a year is like a decade. Annual goals aren’t good enough. Set quarterly goals, set them at impossible levels, and then figure out how to achieve them. Measure progress every quarter and reward outstanding achievement."
(categories: google business management goals strategy )
Links: 1-21-2010
- TripIt for BlackBerry available now
TripIt’s BlackBerry application, BlackBerry 4.3 software or newer required.
(categories: blackberry mobile ) - Welcome to Lucene Connectors Framework!
The Lucene Connectors Framework (LCF) is an effort to provide build and support an open source framework for connecting to content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, amongst others via a single API.
(categories: lucene sharepoint enterprise content_management uci )
Links: 1-20-2010
- How To Use An Apostrophe – The Oatmeal
So need this poster.
(categories: writing humor reference language funny poster ) - jQuery.sheet – My = new Object();
Pretty nice looking Excel-like jQuery module.
(categories: jquery spreadsheet javascript excel grid datagrid ) - JavaScript grid editor: I want to be Excel « Eltit Golb
A breakdown of about 15 different browser-based Excel-like jQuery modules.
(categories: javascript grid spreadsheet excel data ui jquery datagrid ) - Lucid Imagination » EdUI Conference – Solr Flair: Search User Interfaces Powered by Apache Solr
Couple good screenshots in the preso.
(categories: solr lucene search ) - Culture | Palantir Technologies
*Awesome* list of things that *define* who the company is and what they do. Via @rands.
(categories: culture business work )
Links: 1-18-2010
- On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life – This is so Meta
Some interesting nuggets in here.
(categories: googlewave google wave collaboration )
Links: 1-17-2010
- Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee – The Rumpus.net
Excerpt of a freaky blog post / discussion between someone and a Facebook engineer: "That’s right. How do you think we know who your best friends are? But that’s public knowledge; we’ve explicitly stated that we record that. If you look in your type-ahead search, and you press “A,” or just one letter, a list of your best friends shows up. It’s no longer organized alphabetically, but by the person you interact with most, your “best friends,” or at least those whom we have concluded you are best friends with."
(categories: facebook privacy security development ) - Why do big companies suck? « Scott Berkun
Good reminders if you work at a small company that you want to help keep feeling small.
(categories: business management politics culture social leadership )
Links: 1-16-2010
- Stevey’s Blog Rants: Good Agile, Bad Agile
Yegge in incentives, agile and how work gets done at Google. So let me get this straight: no dates AND you get free lunches? Sounds idyllic…
(categories: agile google programming incentives ) - Mailinator(tm) Blog: A Beautiful Race Condition
Great blog post describing a race condition that can happen in unsychronized hashmaps.
(categories: java concurrency threads threading race )
Links: 1-15-2010
- ongoing · Doing It Wrong
Quote: "The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise. This is true even when you factor in the greater flexibility and velocity of startups.This is unacceptable. The Fortune 1,000 are bleeding money and missing huge opportunities to excel and compete. I’m not going to say that these are low-hanging fruit, because if it were easy to bridge this gap, it’d have been bridged. But the gap is so big, the rewards are so huge, that it’s time for some serious bridge-building investment. I don’t know what my future is right now, but this seems by far the most important thing for my profession to be working on."
(categories: enterprise software business web web2.0 agile )