- timemap – Project Hosting on Google Code
Simile + Google Maps
(categories: dates maps mapping time timeline infoviz javascript )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 10-26-2010
- that dismal science : Weblog
Quote: ".. Why be cautious? Because ‘Rock stars’ are individuals, after all, they want all the fame, all the attention, all the glory for themselves – and they don’t necessarily work in teams. Ditchdiggers can get along; rock stars often don’t."
(categories: hiring engineering culture entrepreneurship ) - UI Guidelines for mobile and tablet web app design | Mobile Web Programming
Just links out to PDF’s mostly.
(categories: interaction-design design interface ux ui ) - Cadence & Slang
Looks cool.
(categories: ux design interaction interface )
Links: 10-25-2010
- Notifixlite
Just like the instantaneous bot I wrote a couple years ago except … better.
(categories: instantmessaging realtime bots feeds xmpp superfeedr gae ) - A Data-driven Look at the Realtime Web
Some inside baseball looks at bit.ly data / flow.
(categories: bit.ly bigdata data twitter realtime )
Links: 10-22-2010
- All The App Stores – Anil Dash
Breakdown of the different types of app stores along with some numbers for each one.
(categories: appstore apple apps )
Links: 10-21-2010
- cdixon.org – chris dixon’s blog / The “ladies’ night” strategy
Quote: In almost every two-sided market, one side is harder to acquire than the other. The most common way to attract the hard side is the ladies’ night strategy: reduce prices for the hard side, even to zero (e.g. Adobe Flash & PDF for end-users), or below zero (e.g. party promotors paying celebrities to attend). Rarer ways to attract the hard side is 1) getting them to invest the platform itself (e.g. Visa & Mastercard), and 2) interoperating with existing hard sides (e.g. Playstation 3 running Playstation 2 games).
(categories: two-sided-market business entrepreneurship )
Links: 10-18-2010
- Ray Ozzie, Microsoft and change « Scott Berkun
Quote: "What does a Chief Software Architect ship? Nothing. Slide decks and vision plans don’t compile. You can prototype and speculate all you want, but that’s at best indirect influence on what the rest of a company is doing. You can’t be a leader from the sideline. Give advice? sure. Make demos? Absolutely. But if a real risk needs to be taken you are not the person with the power to take it."
(categories: culture engineering title ) - New LinkedIn Members Around the World
(categories: linkedin googleearth geocode keyhole ) - The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive Introducing LinkedIn Labs «
Yet Another Technology Company With A Lab.
(categories: culture engineering hackathon )
Links: 10-17-2010
Links: 10-6-2010
- Bobo
Faceted search on top of Lucene without Solr.
(categories: lucene search faceted facetedsearch linkedin bobo ) - Zoie
Real time search on top of Lucene.
(categories: lucene search realtime ) - Strata Week: Behind LinkedIn Signal – O’Reilly Radar
Notes on how Linkedin built their new Signals service, bunch of stuff built on top of Lucene. No Solr?
(categories: lucene search realtime ) - A VC: The Office Matters
More good cultural stuff.
(categories: culture engineering entrepreneurship )
Links: 10-3-2010
- The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive LinkedIn Signal: A new way for professionals to consume information and news «
Linkedin’s take on relevancy, real time and popularity.
(categories: realtime popularity trending relevance )
Links: 9-28-2010
- Rands In Repose: The Update, The Vent, and The Disaster
Great talking points for 1:1’s.
(categories: management people 1:1 communication ) - That Was A Yes Or No Question
Corollary to the Five Why’s. Love it.
(categories: communication language management )