- codahale.com/codeconf-2011-04-09-metrics-metrics-everywhere.pdf
Preso on metrics by one of the guys from Yammer.
(categories: metrics reporting saas statistics )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 4-17-2011
- Scaling(?) at Wealthfront
Notes on how Wealthfront does continuous deploys at scale.
(categories: scalability deployment engineering saas ) - Native is easy. Web is essential.
Jason Grigsby’s presentation on mobile web.
(categories: apps mobile web html5 rwd ) - Lucid Imagination » Garbage Collection Bootcamp 1.0
Great intro to GC on Java.
(categories: garbagecollection gc java jvm )
Links: 4-15-2011
- Trunk.ly | Home
Cool meta-bookmarking / links site.
(categories: bookmarking delicious search links ) - notes on "an empathetic plan"
So true.
(categories: quotes software development engineering )
Links: 4-13-2011
- dl.google.com/googleio/2010/app-engine-data-pipelines.pdf
Some interesting ideas around scheduled tasks / pipelining.
(categories: data bigdata processing tasks ) - TextIn
Cool Twilio + Linkedin integration.
(categories: twilio sms mobile linkedin )
Links: 4-8-2011
- InfoQ: Guardian.co.uk Switching from Java to Scala
Notes on their move from Java to Scala.
(categories: java scala language guardian.co.uk engineering ) - mvdirona.com/jrh/talksAndPapers/JamesRH_Lisa.pdf
Three simple tenets for designing and deploying internet-scale services: 1) expect failures, 2) keep things simple, 3) automate everything.
(categories: deployment monitoring scalability )
Links: 4-6-2011
- Call Me Fishmeal.: Success, and Farming vs. Mining
Lots of quotable stuff in this article but I liked the close: "The secret of success turns out to be so incredibly simple: Work your ass off. Really care about what you’re creating, not the fame or fortune you’ll get. You’ll succeed."
(categories: business culture entrepreneurship software startup )
Links: 4-4-2011
- Perspectives – Prioritizing Principlas in "On Designing and Deploying Internet-Scale Services"
Quote: "Have Well Defined Architectural Roles and Responsibilities: Robust systems are often described as having "good bones." The structural skeleton upon which the system has evolved and grown is solid. Good architecture starts from having a clear and widely shared understanding of the roles and responsibilities in the system. It should be possible to introduce the basic architecture to someone new in just a few minutes on a white-board. Minimize Variance: Variance arises most often when engineering or operations teams use partitioning typically through branching or forking as a way to handle different use cases or requirements sets. Every new use case creates a slightly different variant. Variations occur along software boundaries, configuration boundaries, or hardware boundaries. To the extent possible, systems should be architected, deployed, and managed to minimize variance in the production environment. Clean-Up Cruft: Cruft can be defined as those things that clearly should be fixed, but no one has bothered to fix. This can include unnecessary configuration values and variables, unnecessary log messages, test instances, unnecessary code branches, and low priority "bugs" that no one has fixed. Cleaning up cruft is a constant task, but it is a necessary to minimize complexity."
(categories: architecture scalability scaling saas failure versioning debugging deployment ) - Jetpack
Quote: "Jetpack supercharges your self‑hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com." Cool example of on prem / self hosted software + SaaS.
(categories: saas plugins wordpress tools blogging jetpack ) - OmniTI ~ On the Engineering of SaaS
Great article on the difference between on prem and SaaS software, excerpt: "An upgrade process, for example, is an entirely different beast. Making it robust and repeatable is far less important than making it quick and reversible. This is because the upgrade only ever happens once: on your install. Also, it only ever has to work right in one, exact variant of the environment: yours. And while typical customers of software can schedule an outage to perform an upgrade, scheduling downtime in SaaS is nearly impossible. So, you must be able to deploy new releases quickly, if not entirely seamlessly — and in the event of failure, rollback just as rapidly."
(categories: saas engineering software deployment qa agile testing ) - Building SaaS: High-Metabolism Software Development
More on SaaS as it relates to QA.
(categories: saas agile deployment testing )
Links: 4-2-2011
- Product design at GitHub — Warpspire
Tips from github guys about product design: a) everyone is a product designer, b) write down ideas like crazy, c) consistently experiment and iterate, d) abandon features, e) argue all the time, f) talk to your customers, g) ship regularly and overcommunicate, h) don’t give customers what they ask for, give them want they want.
(categories: product-design startups engineering github entrepreneurship design )
Links: 3-28-2011
- language agnostic – What are the lesser known but cool data structures ? – Stack Overflow
Fun stuff in here. via @joshua schachter
(categories: algorithms data programming engineering ) - Setting a Google Map as the Background of your Web Site – blog | wadehammes
Cool use of Google Maps (via Yahoo Developer Blog)
(categories: mapping maps css google ) - TED Blog | The birth of a word: Deb Roy on TED.com
Stupid cool infoviz @ 10:20.
(categories: children speech speaking ted infoviz bigdata video )
Links: 3-26-2011
- WORDOID – Creative Naming Service
Wordoid is a site which attempts to solve a common problem faced by almost everyone who is going to start a firm or a website/blog — finding a name which is unique and whose domain is available.
(categories: dns domain business tools entrepreneurship naming )