- iDoneThis blog : Silicon Valley’s Productivity Secret
Really interesting, haven’t heard this one before… totally agree that spending a short amount of time thinking about what you have accomplished and what you want to accomplish in the coming day / week is a great idea… but as a substitute for meeting with a manager, not sure.
(categories: management productivity hr google gtd )
All posts by ajohnson
Links: 2-2-2012
- The Kingdom (2007) – Memorable quotes
Quote: "You know, Westmoreland made all of us officers write our own obituaries during Tet, when we thought The Cong were gonna end it all right there. And, once we clued into the fact that life is finite, the thought of losing it didn’t scare us anymore. The end comes no matter what, the only thing that matters is how do you wanna go out, on your feet or on your knees? I bring that lesson to this job. I act, knowing that someday this job will end, no matter what. You should do the same. "
(categories: quotes life work )
Links: 2-1-2012
- Happiness Takes (A Little) Magic | The Wirecutter
Quote: ".. Also, clicking the like button 1 billion times will never give you an orgasm or a hug or a high five." My new motto: life is all about hugs and high fives.
(categories: meaning culture happiness life technology ) - Giving away the secrets of 99.3% email delivery – (37signals)
Some good stuff on email / smtp.
(categories: smtp email postfix )
Links: 1-23-2012
- Rands In Repose: A Design Primer for Engineers
Rands on design.
(categories: design engineering ux interaction )
Links: 1-19-2012
- OODA loop – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(categories: process strategy business decision-making ooda )
- Seattle Magazine | Dining | The 25 Best Burgers in Seattle
A strong TODO
(categories: seattle burgers )
Links: 1-13-2012
- Quote Posters | The Graphic Works of Ben Barry
Reinforcements of the culture at Facebook via posters.
(categories: culture facebook engineering management ) - Conditioning Company Culture
"Honing circuits"
(categories: culture facebook management engineering )
Links: 1-12-2012
- Confessions of a Car Salesman – Print Friendly
Great article if you’re about to buy a car.
(categories: cars sales negotiation ) - Recruiting programmers to your startup – Chris Dixon
Great blog post on recruiting engineers.
(categories: career recruiting startups engineering hiring ) - ClearGears – Real Time Performance Reviews
Real-time 360 feedback.
(categories: feedback hr management )
Links: 1-9-2012
- You and Your Research
Lots of good stuff in here.
(categories: career productivity thinking research science advice )