KeyView IDOL & Connectors Currently connecting to over 400 content repositories and supporting over 1,000 file formats, Autonomy is uniquely able to aggregate and index any form of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data into a single index, regardless of where the file resides. (categories: connectoraggregatorcontentindexingsearch )
ISYS File Readers | Document Filter Alternative to INSO, KeyView and More The newly released ISYS File Readers are an embeddable set of document filters for extracting text from any of the 200-plus, ISYS-supported file, container and email formats. Providing customers with a powerful and proven alternative to open-source options and similar solutions from INSO and KeyView, the ISYS File Readers are aimed at addressing the unique document filter and information access needs of applications that range from e-discovery and forensic analysis to open source search tools like Lucene. (categories: lucenejavafilesearchindexingextraction )