- Painless Functional Specifications – Part 4: Tips – Joel on Software
Rule 1: Be Funny, Rule 2: Writing a spec is like writing code for a brain to execute, Rule 3: Write as simply as possible, Rule 4: Review and reread several times, Rule 5: Templates considered harmful
(categories: writing programming documentation specification functionalspec functionaldesign requirements ) - Painless Functional Specifications – Part 3: But… How? – Joel on Software
(categories: software design documentation specification functionalspec functionaldesign requirements )
- Joel on Software: Sample Functional Specification: WhatTimeIsIt
(categories: software design documentation specification functionalspec functionaldesign requirements )
- Painless Functional Specifications – Part 2: What’s a Spec? – Joel on Software
(categories: software design documentation specification functionalspec functionaldesign requirements )
- Painless Functional Specifications – Part 1: Why Bother? – Joel on Software
(categories: software design documentation specification functionalspec functionaldesign requirements )
- Blogging Roller: OAuth everywhere!
This post explains, at a very high level, how [he] got a Roller Gadget working, one that uses OAuth to call Roller and enables Roller to use OAuth to call back to the social network.
(categories: blogs oauth roller apache wiki shindig opensocial ) - Design Fiction: A short slideshow on design, science, fact and fiction
ETech presentation: slide 24, quote: "Stories Matter More Than Features, Specs and Engineering."
(categories: design etech functionaldesign stories designfiction minorityreport ) - 7 Essential Guidelines For Functional Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Consider the screwdriver. The goal of a screwdriver is pretty straight-forward: to drive screws. Although there’s certainly a lot of room for innovation in screwdriver design — there are screwdrivers with more ergonomic handles, ratchet-assemblies, magnetic tips, and exchangeable heads — ultimately everything in a screwdriver’s design is aimed towards the accomplishment of that single goal: driving screws.
(categories: ux ui usability functionaldesign usermodel userfocus ) - Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky
Round and round this goes, with the people committed to saving newspapers demanding to know “If the old model is broken, what will work in its place?” To which the answer is: Nothing. Nothing will work. There is no general model for newspapers to replace the one the internet just broke.With the old economics destroyed, organizational forms perfected for industrial production have to be replaced with structures optimized for digital data. It makes increasingly less sense even to talk about a publishing industry, because the core problem publishing solves — the incredible difficulty, complexity, and expense of making something available to the public — has stopped being a problem.
(categories: culture news publishing journalism media newspapers ) - rc3.org — Discomfort is a necessary side effect
People are too unwilling to face discomfort. Journalists don’t want to make the people they interact with on a daily basis squirm. People want to read that the politicians they support are fighting the good fight. And this reaches far beyond politics as well. Java programmers didn’t want to read that C# had a lot of nice language features that improved on weaknesses in Java. People in general seem to prefer to remain ignorant of the practices of industrial agriculture in the modern world.Ignorance may be bliss, but it also has negative externalities.
(categories: psychology growth learning discomfort ) - activity strea.ms
An effort to develop an Activity Stream protocol for syndicating activities taken in social web applications and services, similar to those in Facebook’s Newsfeed, FriendFeed, the Movable Type Action Streams plugin and elsewhere.
(categories: social atom standards web2.0 activity opensocial diso )