What I’ve been reading: February, 2024

  • New York 2140

    Two thumbs up. Quote I appreciated:

    • "Then comes September and the sun tilts to the south. Yes, autumn in New York: the great song of the city and the great season. Not just for the relief from the brutal extremes of winter or summer, but for that glorious slant of the light, that feeling that in certain moments lances in on that tilt – that you had been thinking you were living in a room and suddenly with a view between buildings out to the rivers, a dappled sky overhead, you are struck by the fact that you live on the side of a planet – that the great city is also a great bay on a great world. In those golden moments even the most hard bitten citizen, the most oblivious urban creature, perhaps only pausing for a WALK sign to turn green, will be pieced by that light, and take a deep breath and see the place as if for the first time, and feel, briefly, but deeply, what it means to live in a place so strange and so gorgeous."

    (tags: adventure capitalism future science-fiction dystopia environmentalism resilience climate-change speculative-fiction climate-fiction global-warming )