- How Google is Remaking Itself as a “Machine Learning First” Company — Backchannel
So this is really a thing then.
(categories: machinelearning ai google ml )
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Links: 6-27-2016
Links: 6-17-2016
- The Importance of Discomfort | Huckberry
(categories: discomfort life character kids )
Links: 6-14-2016
- 9 Things Microsoft Could Do With LinkedIn — Track Changes
Almost like he completely missed 2013 when Microsoft had LinkedIn inside of Outlook (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3053944) via the Outlook Social Connector…. which was deprecated.
(categories: outlook microsoft linkedin strategy social acquisitions ) - How The Most Successful People Poop At Work | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Someone hasn’t pooped in Europe. I have a blog post in my head about pooping in Europe (awesome, usually big walls and soundproof) and peeing in Europe (stadium style, no walls, generally super open) vs. the same in the US (not soundproof but we have separators in the urinals). Anyway.
(categories: bathroom life emea )
Links: 6-8-2016
- So you wanna go on-prem do ya – blog dot lusis
Been there, done that.
(categories: enterprise onprem saas software cloud architecture ) - KA Engineering Principles – Google Docs
Always interesting to read.
(categories: khanacademy principles engineering softwaremanagement management values ) - Let a 1,000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots.
On engineering effectiveness / tools teams. via @mattfinlayson.
(categories: engineering process tools )