- Nate Silver on Finding a Mentor, Teaching Yourself Statistics, and Not Settling in Your Career – Walter Frick – Harvard Business Review
Quote on the best way to learn stuff: "That intellectual curiosity. That bullshit detector for lack of a better term, where you see a data set and you have at least a first approach on how much signal there is there. That can help to make you a lot more efficient. That stuff is kind of hard to teach through book learning. So it’s by experience. I would be an advocate if you’re going to have an education, then have it be a pretty diverse education so you’re flexing lots of different muscles. You can learn the technical skills later on, and you’ll be more motivated to learn more of the technical skills when you have some problem you’re trying to solve…"
(categories: learning motivation education statistics math )
Monthly Archives: September 2013
Links: 9-17-2013
- All the financial advice you need… on a notecard
Pretty good summary.
(categories: money finance )
Links: 9-14-2013
- What College Rankings Really Tell Us : The New Yorker
Similar article to one I just read about Car & Driver as to how it ranks cars.
(categories: statistics ranking strategy education )
Links: 9-11-2013
- Photo Diary: The Pacific Northwest Farm Scene, Part 4 – Modern Farmer
Driving from Alaska through Canada to the US… sounds fun.
(categories: overland travel photos farming adventure ) - Fast Company’s Founding Editor Alan Webber On How Portland Can Become Great
Quote: "How was it possible, he asked, for the United States to win every battle in the Vietnam War, and lose the war? The answer, he said, was that the United States failed to ask the last question first. The last question, whether for a business or a military engagement—or for a city—is, "What’s your definition of victory?" Or to put it a slightly different way, "What’s the point of the exercise?" Seems similar to the Amazon product release process where they work backwards and write the press release first.
(categories: pdx strategy war cities culture )
Links: 9-3-2013
- What do you make as a manager? — This Happened to Me — Medium
Great story on being a manager.
(categories: management software ) - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer retires: A firsthand account of the company’s employee-ranking system. – Slate Magazine
IMHO stack rank is useful in that it forces managers to think about who they really value and who they need to work more with, ie: it’s a good tool but shouldn’t be the only tool.
(categories: management microsoft )