- Microsoft To Offer Application Marketplace In Sharepoint 2010 – ReadWriteEnterprise
Microsoft will offer an application marketplace within Sharepoint 2010 that will integrate with third-party applications from its partner network. No date has been set for the marketplace lauch but it will evolve from "The Gallery" a feature that provides Sharepoint 2010 users access to templates.
(categories: microsoft sharepoint 2010 cloud apps appstore ) - A summary of Shelton Shugar’s talk: "Accelerating Innovation with Cloud Computing" (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
Liked the broad description of what Yahoo does in the cloud, we need to start thinking big like this, quote: "The Yahoo! cloud has five components: Edge services, Cloud serving where we host applications, Online storage for serving content to consumers, A batch-processing data warehouse, Data collection services to filter and de-duplicate incoming data, and block abusive requests"
(categories: cloud yahoo edge ) - Field (Closure Library API Documentation – JavaScript)
Closure rich text editor.
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