DoDTechipedia – Department of Defense The DoDTechipedia Family of Services utilizes a wiki-based approach to foster collaboration between the S&T community and the military services and combatant commands. The Department of Defense is also fostering government and industry collaboration to improve overall technology awareness, and is experimenting with innovative procurement approaches that leverage the innovation of industry in addressing immediate military needs. (categories: wikiinnovationgov2.0governmentgovernment2.0militarycollaboration )
Department of Defense – Aristotle Aristotle is a social networking system that provides government and contractor personnel with transparent, but appropriate, access to information regarding tens of thousands of science and technology projects, topics of interest, and collegial networks. Aristotle provides an interactive digital workspace where users can explore, understand, visualize, and contribute to information about – and linkages between – people, projects, topics and documents. This allows scientists, engineers, technologists and other users to perform better as individuals and in teams. (categories: collaborationtransparencygovernment2.0governmentmilitary )