The January issue of ColdFusion Developer’s Journal features an article I wrote on how to integrate ColdFusion and log4j entitled “Integrating log4j and CFMX – An open source Java project gives developers new capabilities”. You can read it here.
While not especially interesting for developers writing simple ColdFusion applications, I’m finding that log files are becoming especially useful in applications with multiple tiers and clients. Even if you don’t use log4j and ColdFusion, I’d suggest taking a long look at your application to find out where it might be helpful to make your application more transparent.
net_jxta_document_Advertisement = createObject(“java”, “net.jxta.document.Advertisement”);
net_jxta_peergroup_PeerGroup = createObject(“java”, “net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup”);
net_jxta_platform_Application = createObject(“java”, “net.jxta.platform.Application”).init(net_jxta_peergroup_PeerGroup, net_jxta_document_Advertisement);
Good article. I made some modifications to work with a log4j.jar file that is not on the classpath and also works on BlueDragon.
I’m running into issues because my cfx tags use log4j1.2.8 and coldfusion server uses an older log4j jar file. How do I resolve this conflict? The same happens with jdom.jar as well.