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Category Archives: J2EE
WEB-INF directory security
Thanks to Maia for pointing out that my WEB-INF directory on and other jsp based sites was accessible.. I was under the (incorrect) impression that Tomcat didn’t allow requests to the WEB-INF directory by default, but apparently it’s something you have to setup in Apache, specifically:
<Location “/WEB-INF/”>
AllowOverride None
deny from all
Covalent has an excellent support document on properly setting up your Apache and Tomcat installation.
J2EE Application Server matrix
Also on, an excellent J2EE Application Server matrix.
Follow up to my post about JAXB, BEA just released a beta version of XMLBeans, which, in marketing speak “.. is the first solution that successfully merges the power of the XML API approach with the simplicity of the XML marshalling approach to provide unprecedented levels of both robustness and ease-of-use.“
Thursday, developer meeting day at MINDSEYE. We all put our feet up on the conference table, sip on a Mike’s or a Guinness and ‘interface’. Today Maia did an impromptu presentation on JAXB, a Java technology from Sun “…automates the mapping between XML documents and Java objects.” Sounds pretty boring doesn’t it? Stop reading then.
So I’ve written a couple apps that use Java and alot of applications that use XML. IMNSHO, the most tedious programming I’ve ever done is the work I’ve done parsing, validating, and hacking at XML. XML is a boon to developers, but who really wants to write ‘lElements.item(0).text’ over and over again? Not many people I know. Anyway, JAXB. JAXB takes the tedium out of using XML and for that reason alone is a great tool. In short, you use JAXB to:
- unmarshal XML content into a Java representation
- access, update and validate the Java representation against schema constraint
- marshal the Java representation of the XML content into XML content
In non-geek, that means that you can hand an XML document to a Java system that uses JAXB, the developer writes about 3 lines of code to transform that XML document into a Java object, the developer can then pass that Java object around in his or her system, and then at some point in time easily transform that Java object back into XML. No messing with childNode() or GetElementsByTagName(). Beautiful. But it gets better. JAXB creates Java objects for you that represent the XML document you pass in. These Java objects are created by JAXB with accessor methods so that you can modify the contents of the XML document…without knowing any XML syntax. So if you had an xml document that looked like this:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<caching bCache=”false” objectttl=”0″>
you’d get a Java class called ‘caching’ with getters and setters for the bCache and objectttl properties. You could pass in the above XML document and modify the settings in 5 lines of code (pseudo code, not tested or compiled, use at your own risk):
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( “primer.po” );
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
caching c = (caching)u.unmarshal( new FileInputStream( “config.xml” ) );
not so bad is it? For the sake of getting you hooked, I neglected to mention the fact that for every type of XML document that you want to use, you first have to create an XML Schema Document, but hey, you’re lazy right? That’s what makes you a good programmer.
Related links:
Binding XML Schema to Java Classes with JAXB: tutorial
JAXB FAQ: [link]
The JAXB API: [ article]
JAXB Mailing List []
Developing with JAXB and Ant: []
Generate XML Mapping Code with JAXB: []
Brett McLaughlin on JAXB: [], note: adding Brett to blogroll. Brett wrote Java & XML: Solutions to Real-World Problems, Building Java Enterprise Applications Vol. II: Web Applications, and Java and XML Data Binding.
Advanced Text Indexing with Lucene Advanced Text Indexing with Lucene
jdjlist on caching
Also from jdjlist on caching: OSCache from OpenSymphony.
object caching
Couple weeks ago I was wondering what the best way would be to add some type of object caching to my wife’s recipe site. Someone mentioned JCS today on the jdjlist. The JCS site has a couple examples and also, interestingly, an explanation of the differences between JCACHE and JCS.
JavaOne registration
JavaOne registration is open… register before 5/1 to save a couple hundred bucks.
Java API Map
If you’ve ever wondered where some acronym fit int the Java world, this Java API Map might help.